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Everything posted by IanClive

  1. Hello I need a bit of help , So i have a Bachmann 08 and want to put a chip in it , so I've brought a Bachmann DCC chip for it , But I maybe doing something wrong but can not get it to fit and then put the loco body back on , or do i need a smaller chip ? Thanks for any help , Ian
  2. Thank you all for your comment's and remark's , I have now told them to go ahead and start on this , I think i know where everything is going but that may chance , will change , lol I shall post pictures as i get them Ian
  3. So here's a rough idea of my plan , can anyone see any problem's ? , I've not noticed thanks for looking , Ian IMG_0177[1] by Ian White, on Flickr
  4. Good Morning So after many years wanting a model railway , I've finally got the chance to build one , So the basic idea i have is something like Barber's Bridge in OO gauge Set around 1982 ish I'm thinking of around 4 ft x 1 ft , And am talking to Neil at The Little Layout Company , for him to build the baseboards and lay and wire the track to DCC , Is that cheating ? , But I'm going to do the scenic modeling myself So my next plan is lots of research on small 3 road fuel depots , and looking for kit's and bits and pieces to use on the layout thanks for taking the time to read my post , Ian
  5. IanClive

    Hello All

    Hello Well I'm Ian from Slough , just joined and thought I'd say hello , So a little about me , always been a fan of railways and always wanted a model railway , but as i have not much space never thought i could Until i was looking around on the Web and found a model called Barber's Bridge a small fueling point with 3 sidings just about big enough for 4 or 5 locomotives , on a 3 ft x 1 ft board here's a link to some pictures of the layout , http://www.mmdmrc.org.uk/barbers-bridge-photos.html So that's a little about me looking forward to talking to you soon , Ian
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