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Posts posted by ohlavache

  1. Hello.

    I recently ordered some Tomytec HOe/OO9 rolling stock with Rapido couplers.

    I want to replace them by regular HOe/OO9 couplers. What should I use ?


    Here are some pictures showing what the Rapido couplers look like. They are not NEM compliant.







    Could I use the Peco GR-101 couplers?





    Thanks by advance for your help.


  2. The track plan will be flat on the foamboard.

    And between the foamboard and the baseboard, there will be thick pillars made of expanded polystyrene, so that I can have my bridge and some negative relief.

    At this stage, I don't know yet what the height of these pillars will be.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Many thanks all for your replies.

    So I tried Peco joiners, but they are not compatible with Minitrains track.

    What you see on the video is even what I have between two coupons...

    So I decided to buy Peco flexible OO9 track. But I'm not fully comfortable with flexible tracks. It's always a challenge to lay it down.


    Then comes my next question.

    My plan is to lay down the track on an A3 paper-faced foamcore ("carton plume" in French since I'm not sure of my translation into English). I will take off the skin of the foamcore before laying down the track.

    There will also be a bridge under a straight piece of track.

    My question: In which order should I proceed ?

    - First laying down the track and then cut the foamcore along the track and where the bridge will be

    - Or first cut the foamcore and then laying down the track

    The difficulty for me is that, with flexible track, it's difficult to be sure of the exact track path.


    Thanks by advance for your views.


  4. Hello.

    I'm just at the very early stage of my project in OO9.

    I bought and tested some Minitrains track to have an overview of what the size of my layout would be.

    I noted that the track coupons do not join each other very well (contrary to Peco ones), which leads to difficulties in running trains.

    Have you seen the same issue ?

    Should I replace the joiners to solve the problem ? Maybe with Peco SL-310 ?

    Thanks by advance for your help.

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