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About Asterix2012

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  1. It would also depend on how far the branch was from a main shed. Killin and Aberfeldy are examples where a shed was maintained due to distance from a main shed so the branch engine was maintained there.
  2. I take it Dave was doing the casting for these?
  3. I am sure other sea walls are available
  4. I have read in a reference book about when the Highland Railway Jones Goods was restored to steam in the Fifties and Jones’ surviving relative was present when it was unveiled in Highland Railway green. She commented that was the wrong colour and reference was made to samples still held at the North British Loco company at that time still in business These were steel plates with colour and lining samples painted on From these the locomotive was repainted in the yellow scheme it carried for some years. I do not recall which book I read this in and I have checked those I have now, so apologies for the lack of corroborating evidence.
  5. Polaroid is back https://www.polaroid.com/en_gb/collections/instant-cameras?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx-3c8eHphAMV85JoCR3uZgB2EAAYASAAEgJUbvD_BwE
  6. Not necessarily the pressure, may have been charged with superheated (dry) steam which would be at higher temperature than saturated (wet) steam.
  7. Ah now I see I wonder if the pipe work behind the Croda loco in the next picture down is for the same.
  8. Are there any pictures of the recharging? part of the operation of the these.
  9. The depression after the Wall Street crash may have reduced new construction as well, with old stock being retained longer.
  10. Caledonian was “The True Line” I think LNWR the premier line
  11. Dad was a railwayman for 47 1/2 years starting on the footplate in the 1930’s. He once described to me how they would wash Jean jacket and dungarees on the footplate in a tin bucket with washing soda crystals. The manner was demonstrated to me not long after when visiting dads depot where one of the old fitters was washing his overalls in the same way, He also said one of the old top link drivers when he started wore a white shirt and collar and tie.
  12. Thanks Jonathan I was wondering that as well, helped me decide to go and order one now
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