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Terry Tolliday

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Posts posted by Terry Tolliday

  1. Given that Trackshack pricing is unbeatable, their service is stunning. i live near Southampton and my orders arrive regularly the next day, without the penalty of opportunistic shipping costs. They are also very helpful when it comes to returns and exchanges.

    The only time I go elsewhere is when Trackshack are unable to supply.

  2. Hello all,

    I have recommenced railway modelling after a break of over 60 years(!). I have built a 12' x 10' DCC layout to track (Streamline code 100)  laid and wired level, including 20 (electrofrog) points and am satisfied with the engineering side.

    My control panel switches the Seep points to my satisfaction, but, despite extensive efforts at readjustment, I cannot reach an acceptable level of reliability from the Seep point motors in powering up the frog.

    I am now considering fitting Gaugemaster DCC80 frog juicers to  each of the points. I have two questions:

    • Are these frog juicers reliable?
    • Will they work with an NCE Power Cab starter set?

    ​I shall be grateful for specific responses to each of the above.

    Many thanks in anticipation.


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