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Dave Hunt

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Everything posted by Dave Hunt

  1. Sorry Bear, two problems - 1. Nuts chopped and included in the mix. 2. There's no cake left. 😋 Dave
  2. We've just waved bye bye to the latest offspring of offspring invasion and are currently relaxing with some coffee and cake (for the Bear, it's carrot and walnut so don't get excited) to get over it before setting to with the task of returning the wreckage to resemble our home once again. Tomorrow I have the day off to go to Guildex in Stafford for some serious fat chewing with friends and maybe even look at some models but just in case I get too relaxed the Management has decreed that since the weather on Sunday is forecast good I will be required to wield the pressure washer and restore the patio to its gleaming best. Dave
  3. I much prefer Methfix to press on or waterslide transfers as usually they are as easy to position properly as waterslide but adhere as well as the best press on. I know that they can be tricky to apply and I'm not 100% successful but I've found that using a slightly stronger mix of meths and water, wetting the area to which the transfer is going to be applied, placing it face down then soaking with the solution and almost immediately firmly pressing it down generally works. However, I have also had problems with old stocks that sometimes behave like Stephen describes and in that case I have tried brushing pure meths onto the area then placing the transfer and using pure meths again then as the tissue begins to dry out, which is only a few seconds, wet it again with the meths/water mix and press firmly down. Dave
  4. Ten minutes in the microwave and a bit of cheese sauce and that's dinner sorted then. Dave
  5. About two years ago I did some artwork for Slaters with E D and LOCO COAL ONLY and sent it to David. Since then I have had several assurances that they are being done but nothing has appeared. If he is at Guildex tomorrow I'll have another go at him. Dave
  6. Rightly or wrongly I am going to paint the two tool vans I am currently making crimson lake, which colour the crane, match wagon and mess/riding van are painted. My contention is that since the crane and match wagon were that colour, the locomotive department would quite possibly have painted the whole ensemble to match. It should be noted that in Johnson's time there was obviously a great deal of flexibility allowed regionally in locomotive department liveries, as evidenced by the colours and lining of, for instance, the well-known Weatherburn and Manchester locomotives and the lining out of some 15 ton cranes, and I am merely extending this to include the rest of the train. ....... because it was The Best Way. And let's not forget brick arch fireboxes, dropping second class, Pullman cars, successful application of compounding etc. Dave
  7. As OffIcer Cadets we were substantively AC2s, which was the lowest rank in the RAF, but were meant to be called Sir by non-commissioned ranks, which was a bit of a nonsense as everyone else was senior to us. A typical parade ground rant by a drill sergeant on spotting a misdemeanour by an individual would go along the lines of, "You are the scruffiest, laziest and least officer like cadet it has ever been my misfortune to instruct. If you don't start to improve I will make your life a misery. Now double round the parade ground you 'orrible specimen........ (long pause)......Sir." The correct response was, "Yes Sir," followed by a rapid departure. Dave
  8. OMG! You took me right back to my initial training in 1966. I’ll have to go and lie down until the urge to go and bull my boots goes away. Dave
  9. I have some paint that was obtained many years ago by David White from Joseph Masons of Derby. It is actually called Mercedes Red but Masons assured David that it was the same colour that they supplied to the Midland and the LMS. It is virtually indistinguishable from Precision Midland Red. The undercoat specified by the Midland for locomotives built by outside contractors was called oxide of iron. It was described as a purple brown colour. Dave
  10. Your nearest place for treatment is probably Jamie's clinic for care of the misguided. At the risk of appearing political, get on your bike (with apologies to Norman) and pedal as fast as you can to the Charente. Dave
  11. How do we determine what is and isn't 'unusual punishment'? If you are trying to ensure that there is no chance of anything potentially harmful resulting if a miscarriage of justice has happened then any punishment at all has to be avoided. So how much 'punishment', if any, is appropriate? Not an easy question to answer I know; in fact it may be impossible to square that particular circle and I don't have an answer but being too harsh is, in my view, likely to harm far fewer people, i.e., those possibly subject to wrongful imprisonment, than being too lenient will compound the pain for those affected by the crime. Imperfect I know, but then how many things in life are perfect?* Dave *Apart from modelling the MR in S7, of course.
  12. I think it may have been Les Dawson who said that midsummer's day marked the time that the sprouts should be put on for Christmas. Dave
  13. At least incarcerating them for life, or a great number of years anyway, gives them plenty of time to reflect on what they have done and how much misery they have caused. I don't actually advocate the 24 hours in a cell on bread and water bit as I think that may just make them resentful rather than penitent but I do think that comforts such as TV, gym attendance, comfortable furniture and suchlike should be withheld (yes, I know that the actual level of deprivation would be difficult to establish but given enough consideration and sensible discussion I think it could be arrived at). And should it turn out that they have been wrongfully imprisoned they can actually be released whereas digging them up would be a bit futile. Dave
  14. Ah, I see what you mean. Seems my eyesight is going the same way as lots of other bits.... 😥 Dave
  15. Both my 12 year old granddaughter and 9 year old grandson like broccoli as well, whereas 10 year old granddaughter is not a fan although she will eat it if pushed. When cooking broccoli I usually try to make sure that there will be a fair amount left over and do likewise with the accompanying potatoes as they make a fine version of bubble 'n squeak the next day. I also very much like broccoli in a dish called chicken Myers, viz: 4 chicken breasts in a casserole dish Lots of broccoli on top of chicken The whole covered in a sauce made with one can condensed chicken soup, 4 tablespoons double cream, 4 tablespoons mayonnaise and a good pinch of cayenne pepper then liberally sprinkled with grated mature cheddar cheese. Baked at 180 degrees C (fan) for about 45 minutes to one hour (depending on the size of the chicken breasts) and served with new potatoes. It's yummy and guests think it takes ages to do whereas it's quick and dead easy. The above brought to you by North Hipposhire Gourmet Grub and Crimson Lake Locomotives plc. Dave
  16. As an angry hippo is definitely NOT a thing of beauty. Dave
  18. Is it my imagination or is 17188 through-piped albeit without the hose? Dave
  19. Welcome back Brian. Just in time to give us some guidance on who to vote for at the next election and your views on the role of the church in British society, 🤣 Dave
  20. From the reading I have done on the histories of various companies I get the impression that there was a fair degree of inter-company loyalties and 'mates rates' involved but how such things were arranged and charged I don't know. Dave
  21. I think that a better approach would be to allow the scrotes to absent themselves from sentencing but add 25% on to their sentence. If they attended but disrupted proceedings, also add 25%. Dave
  22. Baz, you and Mrs. Baz are in my thoughts and prayers. Dave
  23. The thing I had this evening was a McCrispy de luxe something that was supposed to have chicken, bacon and salad in it but just tasted like soggy cardboard flavoured with spicy sauce of some sort. The cappuccino was OK though. I now have a craving for food. Dave
  24. Since we have a different lot of terrorists grandchildren staying this week, we repeated the programme of three weeks ago with a day out at Jodrell Bank followed by evening eats at Mc Ducks. The first wasn't bad as we saw a different film (history of the universe in 30 minutes) and the weather was fine so we were able to walk round the big telescope but despite trying a different meal at the latter I still haven't found anything of culinary attraction. Dave
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