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Posts posted by meece_rob

  1. Sorry but I am not sure where I found the index. I suspect it was on a free Peco DVD around 2001, possibly the 50 Years of Peco one.


    My copy was saved in 2005 and needs Microsoft Works, which shows how ancient it is (or I am).



    Fair enough,


    either way this is awesomely useful new. I have now purchased a copy of the suggested magazine from ebay!


    many many thanks again.



  2. According to the index, it was June 1996, page 256. The title was Running the Meece Valley.



    wowsers... that was insanely quick...


    what is this index you are referring to? I spent the weekend hunting for info on continental modeller and came up totally blank!


    Massive thank you for this info! I now need to have a hunt for a copy! :)


    Many many many thanks

  3. Hi all,


    I hope that this forum can help me out.


    My Uncle had a sizeable model railroad (American based) in his shed for a number of year, this railroad was featured in an article in Continental modeller in the mid 1990s (i am told) but i am unable to find any info on this. would anyone on here happen to have a back catalogue of issues and be able to have a look and see if this is accurate.


    His layout was called 'Meece Valley'


    His layout has long been sold off unfortunately, but I am hoping to find which issue and acquire a copy so i can have it framed for him. His health is not what it used to be, and I am hoping that this may help cheer him up and bring him some happy memories.


    Any help would be hugely gratefully received.


    Many thanks





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