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Posts posted by hymekfan

  1. Sorry but you have missed my point totally here.  I have read this thread from the start and have enjoyed every single post. What I was trying to say was that a thread like this must include all types of comment , both the positive and the negative to make it balanced. The comment about wasting our energies was not made by me, but was referenced in my post.

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  2. Good point, well made... but this a forum after all where people have their opinions, their rants and their genuine questions about the prototype.  If we did direct all our energies into something else ,this thread would be about 5 pages long instead of 42+ with all its talk of cheese sandwiches , tilt angles and such.  I for one don't give a stuff how many are made , as long as it is made , and to the high standard that we have seen so far.

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  3. Ah the old chestnut of production exclusivity is a delicious one is it not ?  I am sure all of us have our opinions on the matter (some stronger than others), but as a commercial company it is really up to Rapido/Locomotion to decide whether to produce  the deadline quantity at  'x' profit or to try to maximise the profit by producing more units for sale later. I personally would prefer an exclusive product but its totally out of my hands.


    But remember the good old innocent mid 1960s when Triang-Hornby over produced the battle space models only to be stuck with shelf loads of them in their warehouse until Hattons took them at rock bottom prices. Yes I know 50 years ago is a lifetime but its just a thought...... :scratchhead:

  4. So the 30th April deadline for pre-ordering has come and gone, and all seems rather quiet.  Have there been enough orders taken for the project to run, and if so will there be any additional numbers produced as a contingency?  (I have my sound option ordered)

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