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Graham Radish

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Posts posted by Graham Radish

  1. On 28/10/2022 at 16:43, Torper said:

    Hakko FX-888D, 70W, temperature control 50° - 450°C.  An excellent highly thought of iron (I've got one!), but not cheap.  FWIW 50° is too low to do anything useful - I reckon you should be able to do most whitemetal soldering jobs at 200° provided you're quick and I wouldn't really want to go below 150° in any event.



    An iron that goes that low in temp is a bit pointless really, i agree.

  2. Im just putting together a PECO N Gauge platform and ive noticed that the ends of the platforms taper inwards at the end is this correct for modern platforms? or does the end of a typical platform just go straight down to ground level like in the second picture where ive added the black lines?







  3. On 15/10/2022 at 19:49, Esmedune said:

    I really researched this a year or so ago and got this one.
    I really liked it, I wanted a headband, as glasses type either slip down or dig in. This complete loop was comfortable. The chargeable USB light was good, but did not hold a charge for more than a day. However after several months the headband broke at those two weak pinned hinges. It would also loosen and droop as the white module was quite beefy.

    I then tried these...
    Absolutely useless. Apart from each light requiring three watch batteries, the jewellers look lenses are meant to be mere millimeters away from the thing you are looking at. Just how you see jewellers using them when they are looking at stones, they have the subject right in their face, so not the best for modelling.

    So I bought the Toolzone set as posted by cypherman above. The headband works, but gets a bit uncomfortable over time, but if I loosen it, it slips down. It lacks any real padding and grip.  The light is pointless and the batteries in the visor again adds weight and drags it down.

    I am now looking at this set.

    It appears to be a more modern take on my original and no longer has the hinges that failed on the originals. However it also lacks the padding. Another negative is the need for 3x AAA batteries in the visor, adding weight and limited lifespan, but  for £12.45 on eBay, I may give it a punt.

    As for having a good light, yes, that is a given and mine cost me £125, but you still need directional fill-in lighting for the best illumination of what you are working on.

    This is the one i had, its horrible, makes your head sweat and is very uncomfortable

  4. On 20/03/2022 at 13:19, DCB said:

    Hi   Is that your bedroom, a spare bedroom with bed, Spare bedroom/ junk room or Railway Room.
    We have a layout in a spare room with a bed which hasn't been used for sleeping since we built the layout on it 15 years ago, but which houses my photocopier and our Parish Council records.  Dust is pretty minimal compared to that in a live slept in Bedroom as we keep the curtains closed and the door shut and its really a non issue. Just a bit of free weathering.  Our bedroom however is a different matter and everything gets dusty. 
    Opening the window is the exact opposite of what I would recommend. Keep it dark.


    Its the spare bedroom yea, its only a small room really but ideal for the layout and my dartboard on the opposite side, ill get some of that decorators plastic sheet and maybe make a canopy out of some 1" x !" timber i have lying around

  5. Double sided tape


    Cover the frame with double sided tape, then cut out the un needed tape with a scalpel on your cutting mat, peel off the tapes backing then drop the glazing into place.


    Dont risk glues on glazing, most of them are corrosive, and one simple mistake will ruin everything - a good quality 3M double sided tape will be mega strong, with an even stronger bond than superglue


    For a professional looking glass, buff the glazing with PEEK metal polish first.

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  6. I would be surprised if it is still trading


    Don't want to sound cynical, but for a website that sells items this high priced it is extremely out of date and a mess to navigate with no detailed images on anything, adobe Flash lost support 2 years ago

  7. You might want to have a look on ebay for some desks, i use 2 of these screwed together for my n gauge layout, they are metal framed with height adjustment screws on the legs, theyre very strong tables with perfect loco running noise rejection, the top is 30mm thick, could save a lot of headaches:


    Just a suggestion hope it helps someone.


    Computer Home Office Desk Corner Wooden Desktop Table PC Study Workstation | eBay








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