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    GWR Steam Era, OO Gauge, DCC++EX

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  1. After moving house and trying to secure sole use of the garage - I failed miserably! 


    However, through serious negotiations, hard bargaining and numerous compromises (including one where I have promised to pick my socks up - ??) I have been allowed to retain over 80% of the space.


    To this end, I have built a stud wall to mark my territory and ensure that 'Wifely' possessions don't migrate into MY train room.


    She seems happy with this arrangement and even bought me a box of Bullhead track to get me started.





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HookedAgain


      Hi Steam Revival,


      Lol! Glad it made you laugh and Happy New Year.


      I am left with a less than ideal space, which at first seemed large, but now that I am in the track planning stage, seems to be quite restrictive.


      I had hoped to be able to have a 'U' shaped tail chaser but due to the position of the door, it may end up being an end to end, albeit quite long.  For various reasons, I want to avoid having a lift out section or duck under a board to enter the room.


      Have cobbled together some temporary support benchwork with offcuts from a recent wardrobe installation project.  As these are chipboard, they are not suitable for the finished layout, but will hopefully give an idea of what is workable.


      I am sure that I will come up with something but for now...................................


      Room dimensions below:




      All the best!


    3. Steam Revival

      Steam Revival

      Hi, Happy NewYear to you and yours!


      That looks like a very useable space to me and I am sure that you could accommodate at least 1 loop.


      Have you considered posing a question about potential layout designs in the forum pages?


       Be prepared to be berated about wanting a tail chaser, seems as if the purists don’t like the idea of trains going in circles, but don’t be discouraged, it is your layout after all!


      I just wish I had your space available 


      Happy modelling!

    4. HookedAgain


      Thank you!


      I might just do that!


      How about you?  I see that you and I are both interested in the same period and both based in Hampshire.

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