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Posts posted by Bundah

  1. I've managed to get a couple of the Creanorm Poste CH flats down here in Australia !  Trouble is, I do not recognise the couplers on the wagons.  Can someone help to ID them ?


    But whatever variety they are, I want to swap them over to Rapido so they attach to my other Post wagons, my Re 10/10 and my Sersa switcher.  Searching on the internet shows numerous examples of these Creanorm wagons with the Rapido style, so I'm hoping its relatively straightforward to change (yes, I'm a beginner).  The space where the coupler base sits is quite shallow ... anybody have an item number of a Rapido coupler that will swap in with minimal adjustment ?


    Many thanks



  2. I've found a nice Brawa H0 version of the tank wagon below, but I'm after one in N-scale, 9mm gauge.


    Anyone got any suggestions of make and model number I can try and track down ?  


    Ideally, I'd prefer not to have to kit bash or repaint. failing that, my current best option seems to be the 2 axle wagon in the Arnold HN6398 set.


    Thanks in advance.




    Mineral oil tank.jpg

  3. Hobbytrain/Lemke SBB DE 4/4 in the 1980's 'warning stripe' livery, used in the Seetal Valley. Paired with 1960's Lima EW1 coaches.


    Close your eyes to the USA boxcars in the foreground.  I'm running the DE 4/4 on my local club layout, which is scenic'd in a hybrid Australian / US environment to reflect the interests of the vaste majority of the club.



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  4. Managed to get myself a n-scale Hobbytrain DE 4/4 like yours in the video, although mine has the warning stripes, placing it early 80's thru to 87 or so.


    Wondered if these locos ever pulled freight, or mixed passenger and freight ?


    My (beginning) research so far has only shown it pulling a short passenger local rake ie EW coach and a baggage wagon only.  [From Ernies flikr, Bahnbilder, trainspo].


    At the same time I also got too many of the Lima early tooling EW 1st class coaches, with the old logo.  I've read the EW thread and while I recognise these are not the best models, they'll do for now.  Just wondering if protypically I can add freight wagons, either mixed or alone ?


    (And if anyone wants to trade something suitably Swiss / Seetal for my spare original tooling EW Lima wagons 0308, and is happy to send and receive from Australia, feel free to message).


    Thanks in advance for any tips on train make-ups.


    (Oh, a ballast train here, https://www.bahnbilder.de/bild/Schweiz~Privatbahnen~CJ+1435+mm/1131964/cj-schotterzug-mit-de-44-111.html but I guess after it left SBB service)

  5. On 03/02/2023 at 11:51, Gordonwis said:

    I will be attempting to re-post some photos of the layout as all the old photos disappeared in the RM Web 'crash'


    Please do as time allows.


    I've very keen to see the Croc conversion.  I'm also keen to take a look at the Fleischmann shunter you painted orange; I'm looking for a simpler conversion for my first attempt as a new hobbyist.  Don't suppose you remember the brand / colour of the orange you used ?

  6. 44 minutes ago, Gordonwis said:

    In the 1960s - 80s all the main N gauge manufacturers (Lima, Arnold, Minitrix, Fleischmann produced wagons looking like this - generic refrigerated vans with what most consider to be inaccurate shape and features.


    Uncanny you should say that Gordon.  I just discovered this too in the box of treasures ... purportedly a Swiss biscuit collection. Very similar tooling, though a different manufacturer.

    Swiss biscuit.jpg

  7. In a box of someone's treasures I discovered this refrigerated wagon, and wonder how legitimate - or not - it might be running on a Swiss layout.


    Say on a scale of 1 to 10.


    I'm keen to expand my rollling stock options, and would be happy to run it if it it isn't stretching the truth too far.  Heresy, I know, and I apologise to those whom it offends.


    I'd extra love if it was legit on RhB lines.


    I couldn't see anything on Haribu's page in this livery, but some of the Haiqqq wagons look similar in structure.


    I ask specifically as the decal on the wagon has a Swiss contact address for the (now amalgamated and renamed) international company Interfrigo.  That address is in Basel.   


    The UIC code on the wagon though is 83 (Italy)  There are some source photos on the internet showing the wagon in Italy and the UK so it does look like it legitimately got around.


    As usual, I'm thankful if you find some time to answer my query.





  8. 7 hours ago, PaulRhB said:

    Yes and they went for a solution that allowed easy conversion of standard truck chassis to do the road part so small fleets were cheap and no doubt supported by grants to keep the trucks off the mountain roads. 


    I've seen Paul and/or Gordon's (apologies if I've miss-credited) Coop unload scene, with a Scania truck and a forklift / container lifter.  It's good to get the background ... seems like an important scene to model if one is at all interested in RhB's freightwork.


    I might even put a nail on the inside of the swap body and see if I can work something out with a magnet to lift the swap bodies.

  9. Would it be fair to say that the RhB consists suggested by KATO aren't always based on fact ?


    I'm specifically looking at this one, about half way down the page @  https://en.kato-rhb.com/rhb-by-ngauge




    After looking through all of pictures at Haribu and RhB, I couldn't find a definitive source.  I sort of imagine it as a summer time private charter or a tourist run.


    I have these models, I'm going to run the consist anyway, but a little part of me wants to know if KATO just makes it up to sell more of its range :)


  10. 32 minutes ago, Gordonwis said:

    Since the inception of the N 1:150 RhB stuff I've created a whole range of wagons from four sources: 'kitbash' conversion, scratchbuild, 3-D print from Shapeways, Artisan supplier kit or RTR (source usually a  3-D) 


    I'm new to this hobby, but it's already so addictive.  I super want a few log carrying wagons; I've seen the ones at Pirata, and now the ones in your video.  Are yours RTR or did you scratch / bash those ?  If the later, did you design your own decals, or is there a source.


    My daughter is moving to the UK in six or seven weeks, so I suspect getting some Euro trains will become a little easier / more variety than it is in Australia.

  11. I got the Fridge and Freight set (KATO 10-1731) for Christmas.  Now I'm thinking about the L-class wagons.


    I found an image of a unit train pulling six L-class Coop reefer wagons on a single consist, but I'd rather run a mixed freight train. Is it prototypic for these wagons to carry anything besides 20ft reefers or 20ft non-refrigerated containers ? 


    I ask here as I am in Australia, have never been to Switzerland, have never ridden RhB and in fact have only seen snow once in my life, so research is all via the internet !


    I've checked https://rhbstations.co.za/goods-wagons/l-class-wagons/lb/ and it has a couple of alts, but it does seems really be mainly used for reefers/containers.


    I've checked Wikimedia.


    I've checked RailfanEurope


    I've gone through RhB's own site, looking at all its media photos.


    I've read forums (sad a lot of pics got lost in the hosting failure) and watched youtube.


    I've checked other scale models of the L-class, and again, reefers are it, although the occasional 20 foot containers too, including the Swiss Post containers.


    What would you suggest ?  Do you have any source photos of your alternative suggestions ?  Is there a good research site I've missed ?


    Cheers from Aussie.









    631 freight in Bever.jpg

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