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Everything posted by Hawksey

  1. Yes, there will be as many generic & safety announcements as I can fit...so if anyone can think of any let me know and I'll try and add them. Already have late running, 'Mr Sands to the booking hall please' and the 'no bins available please take litter home'
  2. Hi Development is moving ahead, a bit slow at the moment due to other work commitments, but it's getting there. Currently digitizing all the stations that have ever existed, all 8883 of them!...never realised there where so many closed stations. I'm sure 80% of them would never be used but it's probably quicker to include every one. I've also done the 2 tone chime so you can select if you want none, two or three chimes. Probably 2 to 3 weeks until a release if all goes well
  3. I just installed the VirtualBox emulator (it's free) and installed windows 7 within it and it all works perfect! https://www.virtualbox.org/
  4. Just a little new feature I forgot to mention...selectable network branding on the 'Your Station' sign. You can of course still change the name to your model station name Regional Railways Network South East British Railways
  5. Just a little update on progress: The forthcoming BR version is progressing well and hopefully will be released in a few weeks time. Main screen is looking like this.. The 'Service' screen so far... If anyone has any additions or suggestions please let me know. I'll be working on digitising the announcements and stations next Phil http://www.pipnbean.com
  6. The current version (probably to be renamed 'Train Announcement Generator 2000' when 'Train Announcement Generator BR' gets released) is based on the Atos Anne (2002-present) system. The BR version will mostly be based around the KeTech - John Elgar (1989-1996) system. Though it wont be 100% accurate, I am aiming for 100% atmosphere Loads of info here: Generic Station Announcements The hours and mins (84 files) are already pre-loaded, everything else gets called from hard drive when needed. I did try pre-loading everything...worked ok on my 64gb ram pc but a 16gb laptop slowed to a crawl
  7. Thanks for info. I've managed to generate this now https://www.pipnbean.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/BR_Chime.mp3 Phil
  8. I'm looking into doing a 'cut down' version for Android. Might be few months away by the time I learn the system and get it on the Google Play store. No plans for Apple Ios yet. Well, I had a think and a play...2 channels/outputs is easy, I would just use stereo audio with the effect just on one channel. Any more channels would need hardware in the form of a 5.1 (6 channels) or 7.1 (8 channels) surround sound card or usb unit. About £30-£80. I'd then have to find a way of directing the audio to the selected channel, announcements to the station, cows to the farm, bells to the church, etc. (that's the difficult bit!!) So, yes it's possible and I'll try and add it in a future release. These are the only 3 that sound realistic, the rest of the voices are very robotic. I'll generate a few more announcements just to check' Can anyone remember what kind of intro tune they had in the 70's/80's?? the bit that goes bing-bong on todays ones. Was it the same or more like a xylophone?
  9. Hi all, I'm trying to select the best announcement voice for the BR (60>80's) version. So far narrowed down to these 3...what do you think is best suited for the time period? Ryan, James or Brian? (please ignore the strange pronunciation Inter City!) Ryan James Brain
  10. v1.1 is now available to download. Just a small update to fix a few glitches http://www.pipnbean.com Still plugging away at a BR 60's>80's version, I'll post updates/blog on the above site
  11. Hi The lag is due to file loading times...the faster your pc/hard drive the less lag you will get, but I will look into making the file size smaller and that should help. If enough users ask for platform 0 I'll add it but can't imagine many model railway layouts have a 0? The third icon takes you to a screen where you can load up to 10 previously saved announcements. Create your announcement on the main screen, hit the save icon (floppy disk next to play button), it can then be loaded in to any slot in the 'departure board' (load icon on left of screen) and played back (play icon on right of screen) The demo runs for 7 days after which you'll need to purchase an unlock key
  12. Workaround: When the 'Windows protected your PC' window opens click on the 'More Info' link and then click Run Anyway button. I think it maybe the package install maker I have used not being trusted by an over cautious windows! The files have been scanned by 9 antivirus programs and are clean. I'll look into using a different installer maker
  13. Zip file here: http://bit.ly/TAG_Setup_zip Let me know if it works ok or not Phil
  14. Ok. You could try Parallels or VMWare Fusion virtual pc software that will emulate a windows pc, or another way would be to install windows on the mac using boot camp. You can then choose to boot into the windows or mac os at startup
  15. Well that should be easy...I'll just record myself trying to program it!
  16. Hi That's probably the SmartScreen Filter on Microsoft Edge stopping you downloading .exe files. You could try a different browser (Chrome?) or try turning off the filter. I'll also upload a zip version for you try. You'll need to 'un-zip' it before installing.
  17. I'm in the process of making a website for downloads and purchase. The 'Contemporary' version time limited demo can be downloaded from the link in the first post, and can be purchased direct from me at a special introductory price of just £20. Contact details are in the settings page of the software. It should run on a Mac in the windows emulator (Wine?) but I have yet to try that...I'll put it on the list of things to do!
  18. A quick snapshot of the BR (70/80's) main screen that I've been tinkering with...lots to do yet
  19. As the basic software is already written it would only take maybe 4 to 6 weeks to add the 2,363 stations that Beeching closed, plus any others that closed before that. I'll also have to redo all the announcements in a suitable 'vintage' voice and redo the graphics in a matching style...so maybe 2 months to get it done.
  20. A Pre-Beeching and 60/70/80's version is on the drawing board
  21. New Train Departure Announcement Generator and Soundscape Software for Windows YouTube demo here https://youtu.be/o-U_OzrWvFU Full demo now available for download from https://bit.ly/TAG_Setup
  22. Just a quick demo of my 'work in progress' soundscape software. Idea is to connect it to speakers, wired or wireless, under the baseboard or buildings . Lots more sounds to add yet but the train announcements are now working well and contains all 2300 odd uk stations! https://youtu.be/RdIjdr8xHUY Phil
  23. Having a large surplus of set track and a few spare baseboards I’ve started putting together a layout just to see how much can be fitted into a space only slightly bigger than 4’x6’. The actual size is 2000x1200mm (6’7” x 3’11”) My plan is to include a high level Minories type terminus with a goods yard and turntable, out and back running, twin track continuous running, hidden storage siding(s) and ability to expand to one side into a docks area or fiddle yard. I’m hoping to depict a very cramped ex GER East London smoky urban feel full of deep brick lined cuttings, viaducts and industrial sidings. Lower and upper level track plans:
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