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Everything posted by ACR2023

  1. Morning…. thank you for confirming, much appreciated! Happy modelling
  2. Evening everyone, I am hoping to start laying track shortly but have been shocked by the cost of track. My layout which is primarily an end to end design which incorporates a double helix to a lower level fiddle yard. I am planning to use Peco Streamline Code 75 Bullhead track in the scenic areas, but wondered if I could save money by using less expensive track, i.e. Peco Code 100 for the fiddle yard. I know that Peco make an adapter to go from code 75 to code 100 and thought that if I could use code 100 for the helix and fiddle yard I would only need to use 2 adapters and that they could be hidden / disguised in the approach to the helix. I would appreciate your advice please……. Is it sensible to mix track codes on a layout? I don’t want to compromise on the reliability of the layout, but the potential savings are not insignificant! Thanks for your input
  3. @Steam Revival Hi, if you are interested in a multi level layout with a swing bridge you might be interested in this chap’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/9MgNQUSB0PU Whilst the design might not be suitable for your space, some of the concepts might be. Unfortunately, it is not a how to do guide, but there is enough information to be helpful! Good luck! ACR
  4. Good morning all, @RobinofLoxley Thank you so much for all of your assistance, the design looks great! I think the next step for me is to print out some of the point & switch templates from Peco and to try to 'map out' the design 1:1. Thank you also for the reminder about points and baseboard joints. I have a couple of rolls of wall lining paper left over from decorating to simulate base boards which will help to plan joints and the position of scenery elements such as bridges, tunnels, rivers, and roads etc! Russ
  5. Hi Robin, Thank you for your very comprehensive message and for you track plan, it certainly is tricky, it has been driving me nuts trying to think of different permutations you are spot on with Era, it is indeed steam and a turntable would be a welcome addition, I already have a Peco turntable which I am sure could be resurrected. I agree, a single loop does seem to be a waste of space and would be limiting, whilst your proposal offers plenty of operating alternatives, which is what I am really after, not only for the building / scenery challenge, but also to keep small people interested during their visits. You have a couple of crossings on the plan, may I ask if they are single slips, double slips or crossings? May I also ask what is happening in the lower part of the plan? Thank you once again for the time and effort you have put in! Russ
  6. Dear all, Thank you for your suggestions, I really appreciate your support. @Steam Revivalthank you for those images and for pointing me toward Pinterest @DCB, @Flying Pig, @Chimerthank you for your ideas, I particularly like the thought of having a continuous loop (to keep the grandkids occupied as well as a BLT (possibly on a raised level)
  7. Hi Phil, Unfortunately, this is a total no-go! Not only would 'herself' throw all of her toys out of the pram, but there is too much going on in the cupboard, water pipes, electrical cables, consumer units, soil pipe stair treads etc. Plus the sacred footwear ;-) I agree, it is a difficult space to use!
  8. Hi Robin, yes I have found ITG's post very interesting, thank you
  9. Hi AndrueC, Thanks for your message, sorry, yes it does have to be OO, I am heading into retirement and won't be able to invest in a new set of running stock, in addition, N is far too small for my dinner plate hands Russ
  10. Good afternoon Olddudders, Thank you for your message and for my homework 😉 I hear what you are saying about just running trains, I have seen this discussion on many a forum and it is a very valid question. I would very much like to model a BLT, but the grandchildren would certainly prefer to see at least one loco continuously running, especially if the route was not obvious and could be varied. Russ
  11. Hi Phil, Thank you for your reply, the black area forms part of the structure for the stairwell. There is an access door for the consumer unit and under stairs storage as marked on the attached plan - 1 Access to the area is via a fairly narrow corridor - 2 on the plan. Walls - 3, - 4, and - 5 are solid walls. Wall - 6 is an internal stud wall. Whilst the initial brief was that access to the understairs cupboard remains unrestricted, including allowing madam to access her considerable shoe collection - I might be able to 'borrow' a small corner of the cut out, especially if I can demonstrate the benefit! What she won't tolerate is having to move anything to get to the cupboard (trust me, I have tried!!) I have marked this area yellow for clarity. Russ p.s. I should add that I will not need a workbench in this area.
  12. Hi everyone, After years of having an 8 x 4 foot layout on a spare bed, which spent as much time leaning against the wall as it did set up, we have moved and I finally have room (albeit small) for a permanent layout. I have built the bare bones of an open frame baseboard but haven't finalised anything yet until I know the position of the track and points etc. I am totally flexible with regard to the central area, in fact the only thing that is set in stone is the extent of the layout, marked by the blue lines on the first plan and enforced by the wife! Access will either be duck under or via a hinged section. I am going to stick with OO, and will probably choose code 75. My layout will be set in the steam era, probably between the wars and will be mainly GWR, no specific location, but I prefer villages and rolling countryside over built up areas. I have been trying to design a layout which will be fun to operate, but to be honest, have failed miserably! My first attempt was 3 loops, whilst this allows continuous running of several trains it is hardly realistic, the 2nd has 2 loops and a 'there & back' branch feeding the main line station. My third and fourth plans are a variation on a theme, but basically a single folded loop which would (hopefully) provide a more realistic operation in that a train departing from the station on an up line would reappear on the down line rather than just keep reappearing on the up line. If the end points of the folded loops were disguised by scenery, it might add to the illusion that the route was not just a loop. The downside to these folded loops are that they take a large amount of the available real estate and they do not allow for a fiddle yard, goods handling facilities or even, a second loop. I have tried to use 3rd and 4th radius curves on the attached plans, as much as possible and have also tried experimenting with Peco curved points, but can't quite get to grips with the geometry. The construction of baseboards, electrical wiring, track laying, and scenery don't phase me, but I seem to have drawn a blank with regard to planning the layout. I don't like asking for help, but after hiding in the shadows on RMWeb for months, leafing through numerous publications, and trawling the internet for inspiration, I have to finally admit defeat! I am hoping that the collective mind might be able to help........ As previously mentioned, I cannot stray out of the size confines I have been allocated, beyond that, almost anything goes! I am not adverse to using a multi-layered approach either, I haven't tried it yet as I am not au fait with the drawing program but from other posts understand that I have to keep gradients to around 2%. I have read much about helices (helixes?), do you think that one of these in the top left might allow a fiddle yard below the main deck? If a hidden fiddle yard can't be accommodated, I would like to disguise it as a shunting / goods yard. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any help you are able to provide. Russ
  13. just a quick introduction: I've had an 8' x 4' OO layout for many years. It has spent half it's life set up on a spare bed and half propped against a wall. This layout has served me well, latterly, it has been a testbed for a DCC system and block detection. We moved recently and I have finally been allowed a permanent space as such, it is finally time to try to produce something more 'prototypical' (ERA 3). Looking forward to learning more about this wonderful hobby and hopefully making some new friends along the way. Russell
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