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Posts posted by NBL

  1. 46 minutes ago, zr2498 said:

    I was referring to the excellent communications to customers by Accurascale, not the actual packing and distribution times. As others have voiced on this thread, please SLW be straight with us. It's not a side line. It's a business. Goods are for sale and we are purchasing them (given half the chance). Based on the packing and delivery times thus far, then surely with the remaining batch 1 locos which are remaining to be delivered, then it should be easy to say how long it will take to clear them.

    Having waited over 3 months, and would say that I have been patient. I have not telephoned SLW.

    I should like to know how long that patience should be reasonably extended.


    Why don't you just cancel your order, get your instant fix elsewhere and stop moaning like a petulant child 

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  2. 5 hours ago, fezza said:


    We are desperate for a J50 said noone ever.


    Yet we still have no DMUs (either first or second generation), no Standard 5s, Standard tanks or 4Fs - you know stuff that would actually be useful to a wide range of people who want to run a railway realistic and appropriate stock.


    There was an April Fools joke on the internet stating that Hornby had abandoned TT. Perhaps the bigger joke is that is continuing with an utterly random range of models. If I was a shareholder I would be very worried.

    There you go, you've identified the gap in the market that Hornby have missed, so start your own company and deliver all these models.

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  3. 2 hours ago, wairoa said:

    I have the EFE. I expect ACS could take it to the next level. Duplication is almost as old as the hobby itself I think. 

    I'm sure a new model could be more finely moulded, though there dont appear to be any glaring issues with the HJ model.


    If anyone was to do it though, I think it would be more up Cavalex' Type 5 street who have made a fantastic job on the 56, and the forthcoming 60 looks just as good. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, wairoa said:

    Class 58 would be nice. That's the one engine the entire (EVERYBODY) model railway community agrees that we need more than anything else. 

    Except for me!  The HJ/EFE model seems fine, what's so wrong that we'd need duplication?

  5. 27 minutes ago, taliesin said:

    Or they could’ve just left it for sale in the first place so someone didn’t miss out. Not much of a justification for a vile practice. 

    Why is it a vile practice?  It's not food or medicine, it's a model train, a completely discretionary purchase.  No one's life will be changed if they don't get one.


    If it's priced too high, no one will buy it, if it does sell for whatever price then that's what the buyer has chosen to pay.


    I'm pretty sure if the bids were going very high and you were going to rake the money in, you wouldn't end the auction early and sell for a lower price.

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  6. 10 hours ago, The Ghost of IKB said:

    What's the point in Phil Sutton turning up at the york show taking even more orders when they can't cope with dispatching even the first two locos from the first batch. He'd do better spending the easter weekend packing up locos for mailing on Tuesday.

    It's simply not acceptable to wait four months for a loco that's in stock! Don't tell me I need to learn to be patient in condescending replies either.

    I was told at the Bentley "launch" event they'd be despatched before Xmas. Foolishly I didn't realise they meant Xmas 2025!!

    And what kind of business would keep all that stock sitting around for so long, reserved but unpaid for?  Couldn't they offer the option of collection from slw's base. Couldn't they get friends, family, or take on temps to get the orders out, generating revenue?

    Shambolic in my opinion. With so many locos still to come, not to mention further 24's, this saga will drag on all year unless they pull their fingers out.

    Grow up

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  7. 5 hours ago, matchmaker said:

    Thanks for your useful contribution - not! No need to be so damn rude.

    You think that is rude? 


    It's not as rude as jumping on a thread and expecting an answer to your question because you couldn't be bothered to check previous postings.


    Do you go into Tesco and ask the first person you see where the soup is? 


    Far too many people are just jumping in and asking questions without reading through the threads or performing even a basic search.  That is disrespectful to all those who take their own time to share their thoughts and knowledge on the subject being discussed.

  8. 1 hour ago, richscylla said:

    I'm still waiting on mine from a retailer, can only assume they don't have them. 

    I understand that you use a fulfilment company to dispatch orders (which makes perfect sense when you're dealing with 2 full containers of stock), but if that is the case wouldn't it be sensible to up the staff for the period where these massive releases arrive and then keep a BAU level other times. Yes it might cost more, but not as much as unhappy customers and retails will cost you long term. Certainly the approach I've taken in previous roles where similar surges of orders were in place. Always worked well.

    Your retailers are wonderful, but I can't help but feel this gives them a bad name when people see other people with their orders online and they don't get their orders. Ultimately customers will learn that if they want their models early just to order direct rather than through a retailer that might take months to get their allocation, or maybe that's the point. 

    AS sold direct at first, then opened up to retailers after many requests from them, so why would AS try to make a point by delaying their allocation?

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  9. 1 hour ago, jonnyuk said:

    indeed, i was speaking to my local today to check in the coach deliveries. they had to pay the invoice months ago and still no product, without even a delivery date. in my opinion AS do not look after the retailers, maybe the couple of big ones. not that it matters as the push is to direct selling which no one has an issue with on this forum seemingly.

    And you know this how?


    AS started off selling direct, that doesn't fit with your narrative does it?


    I suggest you stop posting your fantasies until you have the full insight of Accurascales business practices.

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  10. One thing I really like about foreign layouts is the fact that you don't see repeat copies at show after show after show.


    I've grown quite tired of the same old diesel depot with every privatised operator represented, along with multiple preserved locos all revving away but going nowhere. 


    20 locos on a single road shed, all straight out of the box, volume hiked up, all lights on like Christmas trees, yard lamps and emergency vehicles with flashing lights.


    It just gets quite repetitive and makes me want to walk past without looking.  I'm aware that I could be missing out on some fantastic modelling, but the same old same old just turns me off.


    Yes you do see swiss layouts with curved viaducts and american layouts with small freight yards, but they are more individual in approached and are generally 'modelled' rather than a shake the box diesel depot.


    I've recently seen @long island jack and @YT-1300 american yards and the amount of actual modelling that has been done is brilliant to see, overcoming necessary compromises to present believable scenes.


    More please!

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  11. 25 minutes ago, GEARJAMMER said:


    Because there is big group of folk who for them its the wrong scale...... were waiting for the OO gauge version to be announced. 😉


    The gents at Revolution have got to cave in and agree to do it soon surely.... we need a Revolution OO gauge 59 to stick on the front of their OO gauge JNA wagons.

    What is so wrong with the Daol 59?


    I know it needs a few details corrected, but what else?

  12. 25 minutes ago, teletougos said:


    The externality which is not negotiable and says TT has a  future, is room sizes in contemporary UK houses and flats.


    Even for many current American modellers, an HO layout using the standard diesel loco of the past 50 years, the SD40-2, is out. It's too long. 


    A class 66 IRL is as long as an SD40-2, even longer in OO. About a foot long. To justify it on a layout, you need wagons, increasingly long, bogie ones, and you need a few of them. In OO, such a layout no longer fits along a standard bedroom wall.


    So even if Hornby fail, this alone would surely make someone else try TT.  



    It all depends on the setting and context.  You can use big locos on small layouts.


    On a recent trip to the states I was watching a big six axle unit, an ES44 (I think) switching 3 timber carriers over 3 sidings in an industrial estate, hemmed in by buildings.  This could be fitted in a 4ft scenic section in HO.


    I took a good look at the Hornby HST at model rail Scotland and I think it's a great size.  Not too small and carries some of the heft that 4mm has.


    I would start buying stuff if they, or another manufacturer make what interests me.

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  13. I remember my PE teacher saying that a sport is an activity that is done alone or as part of a team, competitive or not, harnessing the power of something that can kill you.  Such as mountaineering, motor sports and cycling.


    Using his reasoning, just going to the shops and back where I grew up would be a sport!!!  Savages.

    • Funny 1
  14. 50 minutes ago, Roy Langridge said:

    Where do you feel the difference is? I too have handled the Accurascale offering and thought it was spot on. 

    Have you seen a Bachmann version “in the flesh”?



    It's hard to pinpoint, I just think that overall Bachmann have captured the 31 better.


    I saw both at Model Rail Scotland yesterday 

    • Like 3
  15. I had a close look at these and Accurascales model today, I have to say Bachmann seems to have captured the look and feel better.


    No disrespect to AS at all, their model is fantastic too and you would be pushed hard to tell which is which on a layout.

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