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Posts posted by PatenLowe

  1. Hi...If you want to use an ESP8266-12E you in theory could but you would be limited to just one motor shield and only PROGRAMMING or OPERATIONS signal. The Signal Generator code would also need to be heavily adjusted as the current code requires all four hardware timers to generate the two DCC signals. The ESP8266-12E only has one hardware timer so an alternative approach would be required where you use a Boolean flag to say "first" or "second" call when flipping the direction pin state *AND* picking up the next bit to send. The timer setup was possible because of its great pcb design and pcb assembly by the manufacturer. The current code uses two timers, one for direction pin flip and one for picking the next bit to send. It might work but as I don't have an ESP2866-12E to test with I don't know how much work it would take exactly.


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