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Posts posted by Tim_CO

  1. Greetings and happy holidays from Colorado, USA. I apologize in advance for being overly verbose, but generally more data is better when troubleshooting.


    Please note this is my first post in RMWEB so I'm hoping I'm posting in the appropriate subsection.


    I've recently been working on a UK circa 1940 wartime layout in OO/HO. I would consider myself fluent/expert in most US based DCC sound decoders. However, I'm struggling with tuning some of the European decoders. Any assistance you could provide would be sincerely be appreciated.


    I recently purchased a Roco 72155 USATC 2610 with factory Zimo DCC & Sound. The first thing I did after receiving the engine was to upload the default configuration to JMRI which detected the decoder as one of several MX645 variants. I initially chose MX645P22 as that's what's listed in the included manual. 


    The engine is functioning well in all aspects but one. There's a random "blow-down" type noise that is easily 3x the volume of everything else on the engine. It's so loud I don't like being in the room when it happens. It's making the engine unpleasant to use. This noise is different from the blow-down sound on F17.


    I've tried turning off literally every sound available in JMRI and I've adjusted the value for CV 584. The volume will not change. 


    I took out the decoder to confirm it is indeed 22 pins and discovered its actually 18 pins and is centered in the receptacle (as opposed to being all the way left or right). CV 250 lists 221 which the PDF manual indicates the MX645?? family. 


    When I do a hard reset CV8=8, the sound occurs less frequently but it still happens. The sound occurs with the engine is moving and static.


    Please help me quiet down this engine so I can use it on my layout. 


    I've attached images of the installed decoder. I can't find any identifying information. 


    Thanks in advance.






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