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Posts posted by ThatJackGuy

  1. I've just finished, over the past few days, reading through the whole of this thread, I'm really impressed by the modelling on show here, quality I can only hope to achieve. I hope it's ok to resurrect it from its few months of dormancy because over those past few days I've also been working on my first scratchbuild - a petrol station. Perhaps oddly it was some photos of old petrol stations that inspired me to get back into railway modelling, so the first building for my still in the planning stage layout is this.


    It's partially inspired by, and the sign copied almost exactly from, a small petrol station in the village of Trewellard near St Just - picture at the end.


    Essentially I designed my own kit with Photoshop and stuck it to mountboard for construction.

    It's pretty simple but I'm pleased with it for a first go.




    4835313051_e51b4a36dc_b (1).jpg

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