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Posts posted by Kevinti28

  1. This is a link to the Fusion 360 website giving the minimum spec needed. My 2 year old Lenovo struggles even with 4gb ram, 2.2ghz processor and SSD. I think it is the “on chip” graphics which mainly causes the problem, it isn’t able to process the 3D drawing and rendering.


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  2. My Elegoo Mars Pro has arrived just waiting for some resin and IPA .......

    Whilst waiting I joined the Elegoo Facebook group to get my free FEP sheets and came across the Elegoo Mercury.
    It is a curing device for resin prints, consisting of a UV chamber with turntable and timer. Costs about £50 on Amazon, 

    of course they didn’t have any, and the Pro is already out of stock again !


  3. The Elegoo Mars Pro is currently on Amazon UK at £259.99 (13th June).


    I have ordered one, but couldn’t get any of the water washable Elegoo resin. The standard resin is almost £40 a bottle, can anyone recommend a slightly cheaper alternative, to try out my new printer?

    I had wanted the water washable as the alcohol is also quite expensive at the moment.



  4. I am making a large scale model of the WW1 Class A and B wagons. I have plans and photos of the external appearance of the wagons sufficient to draw up the chassis and strapping for etching.

    Unfortunately I do not have any details of the underside of the wagons.

    Does anyone have any photos of the following that they are able share?

    Buffing gear and fixings
    Brake gear

    Spring hangers and stops

    Stake pockets (I have a partial view of these showing a complex pressing/forging but from one side only)

    Any help would be appreciated 



  5. I am trying to teach myself 3D Cad in readiness for buying a new 3D resin printer, so that I can create my own projects instead of just copying stuff from Thingiverse.

    As I am well versed in AutoCAD 2D, I downloaded Fusion360 for use on my Mac, as I hoped the interface would be similar (it’s not).

    To try and get some idea of how to use Fusion360 I tried YouTube and came across some tutorials by Lars Christensen, I was doing quite well and got half way through lesson 1 yesterday, then I thought I had saved my part completed drawing and tried to open it today to resume the tutorial. But I cannot figure out how to open it. There doesn’t seem to be a “recents” file, where I would usually find drawings.

    Looking through Lar’s tutorials unfortunately he doesn’t seem to cover the basics like saving, exporting, etc; and looking at the AutoDesk tutorials on the Fusion website didn’t help, nor did the Help files!

    It would appear that drawings are actually saved to the Fusion360 online cloud and not locally on my Mac, is this correct?

    If so how do I save a drawing, then open it again? Is it something to do with Projects and not Save?

    Perhaps there is a tutorial that actually starts by showing how to open and save drawings?

    Hoping someone can help.




  6. I have had a 3D filament printer for a couple of years, but as I do large railway modelling I have found the resolution of the prints to be too poor to use in my models. So I have been thinking about purchasing a resin printer for many months now due to the higher resolution and quality of the prints.


    After coming across your posts my mind is almost made up, just a couple of questions if I may?

    1. Most articles on the web talk about all of the “extras” needed for successful printing: lots of gloves, resin filters, lots of paper towels for cleaning, UV curing chambers, spares (screen, FEP film). Would I need all this, as it will add a lot to the basic £230 for an Elegoo Mars?

    2. What are using to cure your models? Sunlight?
    3. Are you using the same bottle of water washable resin and does it work and clean up ok? At about £47 per bottle it is obviously a big added cost on top of the cost of the printer itself.



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