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down the sdjr

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  • Location
    Drifting through the Stour valley and its tributaries, mainly the mighty river Tarrant.
  • Interests
    Choo choos, beer and easy times. Anglo Saxon settlements, did I mention beer?

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  1. Wow, what's happened to this place? Pop up ads everywhere that I guess no one needs. Really awful.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Georgeconna


      totally agree, Looks tacky now. Less visits for me 

    3. down the sdjr

      down the sdjr

      I have seen quite a few excellent forums ruined by advertising over the years.


      I get the whole point of paying for gold membership, but I have never been a fan of online subscriptions, would rather pay more for a physical magazine in my hands once a month, like I do with the EM gauge society.


      I have had to close pop up windows opening up over this message as I type.


      No. Don't like it.


      It will put off future members as well, IMO.

    4. ISW


      Use the Brave browser instead, it has a pop-up blocker built in. It keeps RMWeb 'in check' nicely. Been using it for a few years now and no other side-effects. Available at Brave.com (as you'd expect).


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