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Posts posted by Trev1073

  1. I have searched but cannot find an answer as to which 21 PIN decoder will work all the lighting functions on the Heljan class 45. Instructions say it needs a 6 function decoder but I have tried a Dapol Imperium 1  that I had in stock and all the lights stay on or off. I did read that someone had tried the Dapol Imperium 8 function decoder but the functions did not match the Heljan instructions. Plenty of info on sound installations but I just want a non sound installation.


    Hopefully someone has had some luck on this one.





  2. I have recently purchased an AEC railcar and noting the issues with DCC decided to install a Road & Rails Lokosound 5 decoder. Decoder works all functions but no sound. I returned the decoder thinking it was faulty and Richard kindly sreplaced it. Second decoder does the same. Tried decoder in another 21 pin loco and sound works fine. Is there a problem on the Heljan PCB? Hs anyone had anything similar happen. Unit works fine and light functions all work so for some reason the sound function of the decoder is not working when installed in the railcar. Any thoughts??

  3. Just an update on this error. Having looked around I managed to find some information on the similar Walthers table marketed in the US. It seems that the error code "C" indicates that the Transfer Table is on around the wrong way. Quick turn through 180 degrees fixed the issue. Shame that the instructions did not mention this and that it is a simple error to make. Anyway now working, hopefully if anyone else has a similar problem they will find this.

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  4. I have had a new unused Heljan transfer table (Traverser) for some years, anyway decided to build a small layout to accomodate it. I have just connected the Table to its Control Box, and then to a 16V AC supply expecting to get the Menus on the screen as described in the manual to allow me to test the operation of the table. It however Displays Heljan, then AO57 and then a C. All of the buttons control box do not work or change anything, Lights etc do not work. I am planning to use Analogue operation only. Has anyone any experience of this table or suggestions. I would mention that I can see no mention of AO57 or C as error codes in the provided manual.

  5. I have had a Lenz system for a long time, occasionally I hit a problem when the system freezes. I have overcome this by deleting locomotives from the command station stack which I believe is limited to 250 addresses. Same problem today so I thought I would check how many addresses were held on the command stack by scrolling through the list on my TouchCab handset (iPhone). To my surprise I only had 150 addresses, so two questions,


    Why did system freeze?

    Do any systems have locomotive stacks in excess of the 250?





  6. Just wondered if anyone else is having running issues with the 16xx? Mine was ok but now runs very poorly. I have completed the online enquiry form on Rapido site but absolutely no response, never received the promised replacement circuit board either. 

    I think the issue is with the plunger pickups which are not always in contact with the wheels, has anyone been able to remedy this issue?


    To be honest I am a bit frustrated by this loco and the Rapido support.


    Any help appreciated

  7. I have recently purchased a photograph from the Mid 1960's of a Hymek awaiting to depart Penzance on a Passenger train. The headcode appears to be 1A60 ( The final digit is not totally clear and I know there was a 1A69 that was the 08:40 Penzance to Paddington in the Mid 1970's) but I cannot find a reference for this in the information I have. Due to the rarity of pictures of Hymeks at Penzance I would be interested to know what working this was. Has anyone any ideas?

  8. Well mine arrived yesterday and pleased to say running is fine after running in on some rollers on DC. Copes with my curves and point work OK but it a bit of a pain getting all wheels on the track. I have fitted a chip and headlights / taillights work fine but no sign of the cab lights or engine room lights. Pretty sure these were not evident on DC either. I am using a Zimo MX638D decoder and all the dip switches are on. 
    Agree with the comments about detail parts with no info.



  9. The rear bogie on the M7 appears to be secured by a washer which grips a central spindle. Has anybody any experience in replacing a lost washer? No trace of a spare part that l can find so what alternatives are there?

  10. Has anyone any knowledge of the Plaques cast at Swindon Works BREL in the 1970 - 1985 period? I am aware that there are a number of locomotives, including Warship, Western & Deltic. There are also some steam Locomotives, Castle & King George V. I have never found a list or any real information on these. They do appear on E-Bay and other auction sites from time to time. I also believe that there are copies around which seem to be cast from an original but the limited edition number is missing. I have hopefully attached a picture of a Warship Plaque.




    Any thoughts information appreciated.




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  11. Thanks for your thoughts. It is 31270 basically the ends have dropped off the chassis and the thin plate under the cabs have disintegrated. I was going to file back the ends and glue into the body to preserve lighting but the lighting will not work for the tail lights. I guess it is going to be just one of those things.

  12. My Class 31 has sucummed to Mazak Rot but I was hoping to repair it. My problem is the taillights. The tailights have 2 wires from the PCB to contacts on the chassis which in turn link to the LED unit. my thoughts were that if I connected the contacts directly to the wiring I could avoid the contacts on the chassis which have disintegrated. Problem is that having done this the lights still do not work. Looking at the service diagram it shows 3 wires to the lighting unit (mine does not have the 3rd wire). Was there a return via the chassis on this version? I am at a loss as to why the lights fail to work, any suggestions?





  13. Just thought that I would comment on this Signal. I received mine promptly from Hattons. I was concerned that the "Control Box" which attaches to the signal is quite large, and I did have to make some significant modifications to my underbaseboard area to accomodate it. However once fitted the signal works a treat, much quieter than the previous signals and the "bounce" is quite effective. I did not need to make any adjustments to the signal at all. There is also comment on price but considering it is two arms and includes the switches (pre-wired) I think it is reasonable value compared to the single arm signals.



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  14. I have fitted a Lenz Silver 21 Decoder to a Kernow D600 Warship as I could not get decent control with the Dapol Imperium. I thought that I should be able to remap the function outputs on the decoder so that the Headcodes lights would work by utilising F1 & F2 (On handset) functions which are set for the cab lights that I am happy to lose. So I started with the Lenz Manual for the Decoder. This gives you values for CV's 33 - 47. First problem when reading the CV values they do not match the default settings in the manual, in fact the range in the Manual for these CV's is 0 - 31....CV 35 reads 32 and CV 36 reads 64??


    Has anyone managed to remap one of these decoders for this locomotives, and if so could you share the values input please. I am sure I am missing something very simple but I am completly confused.





  15. Well I tried the settings suggested *and some highe settings as suggested by 34theletterbetweenB&D  and had some slight improvement but the decoder/ loco combination is still not good on my layout ( up & down inclines). Decided to try a Lenz Silver + today and generally got better performance without adjustments to any CV's. However I have had a couple of instances where the loco just stops as if the decoder / loco is overheating. Leave for a couple of mins and comes back to life. I know that there appears to be an issue when using sound decoders but I am purely using a drive decoder. Has anyone else had similar issues? I do need to look at my track cleanliness as well as I know it needs a good clean, however no problems on other stock generally.



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