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Posts posted by codek

  1. Ok thanks all. I'm definitely liking the idea of capturing the essence of it. I'll have a play around later in the week.


    For me the essence really is the 4 lines, loco hauled, intercitys (non stoppers too!) and then some fun stuff!

  2. Excellent stuff.


    Operationally i don't get the point of the crossing points on the west side? any ideas?  how would these be used?  the ones inside the platforms..   I think i'm missing something. slightly easier when the directional arrows are on there!

  3. Well you can't beat a mockup as they say!


    Immediately i realised 2 parts that can be simplified.  I didnt see the point of having another point to access the branch after the platform, so that went.  This was originally there because of the sidings that i hadn't put in.


    Also i simplified the western end.  again, it had connections between tracks, that given the direction, didnt seem to make sense? unless im missing something.


    I think the curves will be livable, especially as i'll smooth out to the max with flexi track. And maybe i can devise a way to hide them!


    I think operationally it'll work.?   I dont have a demu yet, but eyeing up a 2 coach Bachmann one.






  4. I do have a stash of flex track, for the majority of the rest of the layout.  I think I probably have enough gash/old points, to at least approximately lay this out, and see how it works, probably this is the easiest way!  Then if it looks to be a go-er i can order some of the larger radius points, crossings etc.

  5. 29 minutes ago, KeithMacdonald said:

    Here's a quick rough attempt in AnyRail. I've had to guess how much width you want for the platforms. There are a few small gaps where I couldn't find a good part, or the geometry needs "tweaking", perhaps with some flextrack?





    Excellent thanks. What advantage does the bigger points give? Just better running?

  6. 9 minutes ago, Zomboid said:

    Are the double junctions at either end "on scene". That kind of arrangement at both ends of a station is pretty unlikely, though it does exist at Guildford - though that's because it forms part of the junction with the new line. Can happen like that at a 2 into 4 junction, such as at Orpington.


    Much more likely to have an Up Up Down Down arrangement at a 4 track station on a 2 track line.


    No I guess not. They're the hack to fit in an appearance of a 4 track station..


    Not sure if or how I would hide them though. But I was able to push then further away from the station using curved points


  7. 3 hours ago, Robert Stokes said:

    I agree with the above comment. Try "Anyrail" which you can download. It's very easy to use. The free section allows you to use 50 pieces of track, but you only need to investigate the areas mentioned. Try to use curves of as large a radius as possible and definitely nothing less than about 18".


    There is another thing. I assume that at the top there are storage loops in an off-scenic area. Will you be satisfied with only one off each main line?




    This is a good point, and something i need to think about. thanks!  I *think* it'll be enough given the stock i have now.  But I can see others frequently have much bigger fiddle yards.


    I could well increase the depth of that board, to accommodate more tracks., behind some sort of back scene i guess.

  8. I do agree about the hand sketched nature. Hence i tried to do the station in anyrail. It seemed to me it does basically fit. So my thinking was, build each side of the station, and then just make it as long as it possibly be depending on where all the junctions end up..


    Oh, i have mocked up the top in any rail too, but it's not complete yet!

  9. 4 minutes ago, The Johnster said:

    What period?  Steam era will need the goods facilities as well, and fast running will want the curves to be as easy as you can make them.  

    Network south east.. 80s 90s. ish!

    • Like 1
  10. Hi,


    I've got a layout that measures 3770 by 2440.  The boards are 600 wide.


    For various reasons, i'm keen to model NSE, and particularly maidenhead.  Already got some NSE stock, and a motley collection of other diesels from that time.


    I mocked up a maidenhead station layout from the plans book and it seems to fit!  Obviously not to scale, but back of hanky calculations i reckon 5 coaches fit..  I've even got the little branch line!


    Note: I've had to drop to 2 tracks rather than 4 going right round, but i think that fudge can be made to work?


    Now; I know nothing about layouts, plans etc, so go easy :)


    I do specifically want a circular layout, or at least something that goes round and round - as it's vital for interest for the kids I think!


    There's scope to add a brewery, and possibly a tmd or something at the top. And who knows what down the sides!


    For now however; I just want to get the station and main circuit built.


    b.t.w. i'm not against changing the boards, adding a triangle at one corner etc.  May be nice to get some height/elevation in there too, but not sure how yet!


    Oh; It's OO scale, traditional DC control.


    Looking forward to hearing of any gotchas/howlers that i've made.  Thanks in advance for any and all hints/tips/ideas!


  11. Wow some amazing replies, just working through it all now!


    It is in a loft, however the loft is bigger than the allocated space, so there's no issue about entry etc. the 4x4 space (possibly more at one side) is unobstructed other than working with an existing beam.


    I'm not overly bothered about trying to replicate full length hst's etc - as i know that in oo that's pretty darned hard. I hadn't realised the station would need so much space though. I guess it comes down to number of coaches etc. 


    Again thanks, continuing the research now. I'll be back :)

  12. 27 minutes ago, Kris said:

    The first place to start is the real thing. Lots of looking at this may well lead to inspiration. Alternatively look at lots of plan books. 


    Good stuff.  I already picked up the british rail plan books for the region, i'll start there.


    Regarding play - Got a young son so there'll have to be a round and round element to it hehe. I think it would be nice to get a degree of elevation into it too, never done that before and it does seem to add something imho!

  13. So, i have a space approximately 4x4m. Planning to model in oo due to existing kit!

    I'm thinking of running it around the outside of the space, with a large-ish well in the centre.

    But where to start with the actual layout?  Started playing with anyrail but realised I need more inspiration/ideas first I think!

    Area of interest is NSE, (maybe maidenhead!?) whether or not that has implications!?

  14. Hehe wow I dont see me building my own points. Just a novice!


    I have however been looking around for inspiration for the design. Found some good threads on here about maidenhead for example! (I like nse era!)

    • Like 1
  15. Hi


    I searched the forum for a layout design software thread and couldn't see one!


    So what's recommended? Any packages to avoid? I found xtrackcad.. worth a punt?


    The layout is oo if that matters.




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