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Status Replies posted by Clifton33

  1. Hi, I've only just stumbled over your fantastic model of Kemp Town station - it is incredible! I have just returned to railway modeling after a 36 year break, and had decided to base the layout around a small SR terminal station. 

    Thumbing through google images and loads of old photos that are about, I came across Kemp Town, I'd not model the sprawling yards that it has, but the compact yet graceful staion building and platform is perfect for what I was envisioning.

    Now - being cheeky - because I couldn't hope to craft something so exquisite if I lived to be 100, would you be willing to sell me a copy of the file for a laser cutter? (I have access to one at work). I totaly appreciate it if you don't, because modelers should just model - but now I have seen what I need so perfectly fabricated - I just wondered!

    1. Clifton33


      Thank you  - that is so very generous of you. Having been out of railway modeling for some decades I'm constantly surprised by the genuine warmth and generous support of the community.


      The position I'm intending for the model, is actually much as you have it, pressed up against a back scene in a corner of the layout - so half relief is perfect for me!]


      My email is cliveestevenson@gmail.com (look out for the double 'ee' in the middle!!)


      I look forward to meetig you and thanking you in person - I'll keep an eye out for your stand.


      thanks again 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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