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Blog Entries posted by Shadow

  1. Shadow
    Skinner's Dock
    by Shadow
    original page on Old RMweb
    Imported from original thread on RMWeb.
    ??? posted on Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:17 pm
    This started off as a design that I made up on Hugh Flynn's "Layout Plans" topic (http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=24472&start=733)
    Basically, Shortliner made a comment about why not use two 2x3 boards to make a 4x3 board instead of the usual 6x2.
    This got me thinking, and since I couldn't come up with a reason why you can't have a short and fat board as opposed to a long thin one, I played with Xtrkcad and came up with the following :-

    The idea was for a rail served canal basin/wharf surrounded by warehouses/factories.
    A couple of quick images knocked up with Google Sketch showed promise.



    The two tracks exiting on the right were to a traverser, that then feed the stock into the three tracks hidden behind the back scene. Angling the tracks allowed the on view track and the hidden track to keep the same orientation.
    It also improves the viewing perspective from the front of the layout.
    The next question that came up was what happens to the tracks on the right?
    The initial concept of a big cushion on floor was dropped (sorry, no pun intended) to the one shown below :-

    The next problem was the hardest off all, what to call the new layout?
    Well as always, a simple solution,"Skinner's Dock". With a surname of Tanner what else could it be!!
    (Thanks to Stubby47 and Shortliner for that )
    This also gives a reason for it being there, an industry that requires lots of goods in & out.
    ??? posted on Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:03 pm
    Came across this photo which depicts exactly what I'm trying to achieve. (Hopefully )
    (A few rows down, the view of Bishops Wharf)
    Comment posted by steamraiser on Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:18 pm
    Looks very interesting.
    Lots of wagons with tank engines to shuffle them around.
    How did you import Templot into Google sketch?
    ??? posted on Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:42 pm
    Used Xtkcad, (not Templot), under "Files" on the menu bar you can "Export to Bitmap".
    Did this and then imported it into Sketch the same way, "Files", "Import", "Open".
    Then just place on the plane that you require.
    Comment posted by shortliner on Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:51 pm
    To export things from XTrkCad ( their bitmap export can be 'orrible)it is well worth looking at http://www.faststone.org/FSCaptureDetail.htm which will let you grab areas of the screen and is usefull for all sorts of purposes - the current version costs US$19.95 for lifetime use. It was freeware and it is still possibe to download the earlier version from http://www.oldapps.com/fast_stone_capture.php
    ??? posted on Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:27 pm
    Just back from a couple weeks away on holiday, lounging by the pool.
    Cold beer in one jand, sketch pad in other designing baseboards:wink:
    These drawings below show current idea.

    Sides will be from 10mm Ply
    All the rest from 6mm Ply
    The two halves will be joint to make a 4ft x 4ft scenic section, and a 1ft extension either side for the
    fiddle yard access. (Not shown)

    Flat base added just to get idea of view.

    Some quick buildings added, not the design to be used, but again, just to get an idea of space.

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