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Posts posted by Jamie24

  1. @Harlequin Have you tried adding internal bracing (remove after printing completed & cured) to your structures & printing them at an angle? From what I have seen & read regarding tips and tricks this gives you the best print quality, stability & less prone to distortion. Hopefully you can see what I mean from the image...


  2. Have you any friends or any fellow members on here got an Anycubic Photon 3D printer you could try out? The print quality is AMAZING, you won’t see any lines like on the angle irons. Might be worth investing in one yourself?
    Printing thickness layers are only 25 microns (0.025mm) using a LCD screen & UV curing. They are about £350 and also now produce a separate (photocuring) wash & print machine about £125. Personally, I think very good value for money for what level of detail they can produce. I think it will better show off your modelling efforts and do the level of detail you design into each CAD a massive level of justice, can easily be used for so many scratch builds and other things you would use for you layout! 



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  3. 33 minutes ago, The Johnster said:

    Another vote for extending the mileage/coal siding, to beyond the goods shed.  I take your point in respect to road vehicles manoeuvring to back on to the goods shed, though. Traditionally, 18’, the turning circle of a horse drawn vehicle (and a Scammell 3 wheeler with trailer), was left between goods yard roads for this; nearly 3” in 4mm and 5” in 7mm, so you can probably get away with it.  If you can’t, slew the running lines more parallel to the baseboard front and closer to it, and curve it away from the baseboard front just to the right of the baseboard join so that you’ve room for the loco shed, and reverse the curve around it.  I believe this will improve the look and ‘flow’ of the layout as well.  

    Steam era stations didn’t have car parks; these came after 1963 when the goods yards closed, the forecourt sufficing.  There’d be a fence and lockable gates to the goods yard, and if this starts at the forecourt station entrance and is angle to the left a bit the mileage road can extend even further to the left. 

    Thanks for the input, I think I understand, any chance of drawing over the plan so i can visualise it a bit better?


    Of course yes, no car park, just used that to describe the area out front of the station. Although I was planning on running GWR locos and also BR early crest to cover the period of late 40’s-early 50’s

    thanks, J

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  4. Yes, nothing has yet been built. Purely at the planning stage at the moment... I can sort the baseboard size out at a later date to suit point location and baseboard join positions etc. This is purely track plan based at the moment. That sizing was a start point to work with and obviously if I decide to choose to model in OO then it will be smaller in size. 

    Have modified it a little further.. Moving the coal location, adding a water tower and an ash pit will be in front of the engine shed. From my research there seems to be many small single loco sheds from around this area I am modelling in the south west?


    I moved the signal box to the other side of the main line so it can be cut into the side of the hill that will be towards the rear of that board. 

    As for the fiddle yard I will think about that at a later date once the main track plan is completed





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  5. I was thinking that taking it any further to the left would encroach on the access / vehicle manoeuvring for the goods shed. Not on the plan is (what i was intending to put on, but have not yet got around to) would be a fence or stone wall separating the station forecourt / carpark area from the goods area.
    Or should it possibly match the length of the goods shed siding but be concreted so that vehicles can drive over the track (hard standing area)? 

  6. Thanks for your input, I had looked at Moretonhampstead and some other similar real life stations, loosely basing it on them, but wanted to create my own (as yet unnamed). 

    So I have tweaked the design a bit, moved a few things around.. should the point to the engine shed have been moved to the right in the middle of the loop or left at the start of the station level with the SM house where it originally was? 



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  7. I am planning on having running trains of no longer than 3 coaches. Mainly 2 coach long trains with pannier tank locos and auto coaches with 14xx locos. A few small goods wagon trains also to make use of the sidings and goods shed. I tried to plan it so that with a 3 coach train in the station (max length of train used) there would be enough room for a small goods train or single auto train to hold in the loop.. I have tried to keep little on the second board due to the landscaping I plan to have.. but I could possibly extend it..

    As for the catch/ trap points, I have just guessed where they should be placed from looking at others layouts.. 

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  8. Unsure if this is in the right place or not, but I am planning on my first proper layout having seen so many good layouts on here which inspired me to create my own. 

    I am as yet unsure weather it will be O or OO gauge, however am heavily leaning towards O gauge. Trying to base it on a GWR terminus style end to end layout that will comprise of three main sections. The first two sections scenic and the third will be a hidden fiddle yard. 

    So that leads me to the actual design of the track plan.. I have come up with a rough first design (with two slightly different engine shed locations) Can I please get any input (good or bad) with anything that I may have missed or not included or done incorrectly? Or possible suggestions of what to change or improve? 

    The design below is drawn in O gauge, each board size is 9’ x 2.5’ (ish) so the scenic section will be 18’ long in total. 

    Any help or constructive criticism very welcome, 


    thanks, J


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  9. On 15/03/2020 at 14:06, chuffinghell said:

    Since ordering the etched nameplates my plan to put a door on the gents loo had changed


    So I wondered if positioning it here would be acceptable?


    so i was looking at this and thinking it just didn’t seem right.. should it maybe be protruding from the wall on a placard/ signage bracket? So those looking down the station can see where they are located and not have to be stood directly in front of the toilets to see the sign? I would guess it should be located to the upper right corner of the building between the door and end wall..

    Something similar to this..? 




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  10. Great stuff fella! Really excited to see what the rest of the layout will hold!! But I fear with this much attention to detail, It could take a very long time... Mind you, with this self isolation malarkey, I’m sure you'll get a lot more progress done :)

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Pete the Elaner said:

    Which Heljan unnumbered locos come with a transfer sheet?

    My LL 37/4 hasn't any. I have just checked the box to make sure I hadn't missed it.

    I saw this class 60 for sale from Hattons, on ebay, showing a transfer sheet. No mention of an aftermarket sheet. Assumed they all did? 


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  12. Does anybody know if the unnumbered versions comes with a transfer sheet like the Heljan unnumbered locos do? If they don’t, where is the best place to source them?

  13. Great stuff and brilliant attention to detail! Superb modelling skills too! 
    Any updates on the rest of the layout?maybe an updated track plan or hows that progressing? 


    Keep up the good work, J

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