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Cliff Ball

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Posts posted by Cliff Ball

  1. Firstly many thanks to those who have replied to my query regarding Bachmann B1's. Gluing did not work; does not take to the plastic inserts even when clamped up. So my loco is fit for just standing in a siding.......or is it? I re-assembled the chassis without the plastic driving wheel inserts - you have to look closely to see that they are missing but hey - runs a treat! I could go a step further and fit etched driving wheel balance weights and then you would have to look even closer! So next year my 61010 will go off to Grimy Times in Warrington and come back with a new identity - 61215 perhaps!

  2. I have a large quantity of the earlier Bachmann split chassis B1's and V2's. These are excellent models but suffer from various malaises!

    One of the B1's has the 'bowed' driving wheels and goes down the track like a kangaroo! Bachmann will supply isolators but not new wheels. How have other modellers overcome this problem? The models are too good to bin and are worth spending a little on to get going again; replacement with the new Bachmann or Hornby models in not an option!

    Split isolators can be repaired with new ones (which Bachmann can supply for the moment) - just have to be careful with the quartering.

    Even though these models are some 20+ years old it is a shame that spares are not available (You can still get new spares for 50+ year old Hornby Dublo!!)

    Comments please!! Thank you.

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