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Posts posted by Robed

  1. 40:1 gearbox which I believe to be the later version as it does not require any soldering as it screws together.

    it appears to me that I will have to drop the gearbox between the frames and split it ,then push the axle through and carefully (very) loctite the axle to the gear wheel although I don,t know if there will be any space to join the two halves together

  2. Thanks for the reply

    I have contacted brass masters about another issue with the G2 and they were unable to help as the person who designed the kit unfortunately passed away some time ago

    On reflection the part I am querying May be a common part on the fret to accommodate another kit So unless someone has noticed the same issue I can’t resolve the issue

    Definitely the hardest kit I have encountered

  3. I am struggling with a G2 kit especially the tender.

    However on studying the loco chassis fret I have noticed a discrepancy in part numberts


    the fixed axle plate is shown as part 7 on the diagram but 6 on the fret

    However there is a part 7 on the fret but does not appear on any drawing or in the list of parts.

    Can anyone help please

    Altogether a most disappointing kit with too many errors in the diagrams and instructions.


    Thanks in anticipation


  4. I am making a Brassmasters G2 with the Belpaire boiler

    Can anyone advise how the boiler fits up against the spectacle plate and the smoke box or are they both straight solder fits.

    also do I need the boiler support bracket and where does it fit


    Many thanks

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