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Posts posted by JoshB

  1. On 23/02/2020 at 09:12, SHMD said:

    Hi Josh and welcome.


    When you say "a small working model of transmission circuit", what do you mean - (baseboard) size, scale, number of Towers, and (most importantly) voltage being carried(!) ?

    As for being able to supply "some detail", I'm sure all info supplied will be greatly appreciated.


    Once again, welcome to the forum and, in particular, the Pylons Towers thread.






    When we test control equipment, we obviously can’t switch the real switchgear. So we have to simulate it, usually by sticking a beeping  meter across a contact! Some more elaborate setups have a series of difficult to interpret LED’s. 

    So I want to build a little model of two substations with a connecting overhead line and bunch of actuators so engineers that come to witness tests can get a proper feel for what’s happening.


    I can get access to “Tower” drawings and schematics if anybody wants any specific dimensions.

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  2. Morning all,

    I just googled “model pylons” and ended up spending 2 hours skimming over this post!

    I work in the electricity industry and was looking to build a small working model of transmission circuit and am now totally inspired!


    Firstly, we call them “Towers” in the industry. I have it on good authority that the term Pylon was coined from the structures used to climb aboard Airships, when the lattice towers were built for electricity transmission, they looked the same, so people called them Pylons.


    I can help with some detail if anyone needs sizes/etc... 

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