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Posts posted by RED ONE

  1. This has probably been asked somewhere before. I have recently purchased a remagnatizer from Ron Dodd and cannot believe the difference this has made to my old triang motors and power bogies. This has given me the urge to spend the second lock down refurbishing my collection of 20 or so Triang units. The main problem after a few years in the spares box the main missing part is the screws, obviously borrowed at some stage for othere projects. I have seen the screws advertised on a well known spares site but only in small amounts. Does anyone have a list of what the different screw sizes were that Triang used then I can buy a decent amount.

  2. Try the following :-


    3 floor low relief shop fronts  www.kingswaymodels.com,Free downloads,K205 Solicitor & Estate Agent Shops. This could give you the relationship between each floor.       OR

    www.scalescenes.com,Townscenes,T005 Low Relief High Street & T005A Low Relief High Street Backs. These may give you a few ideas.

    I recommend both sites for all sorts of kits which can be printed off and kit bashed.

    Good Luck 

  3. Due to isolation my man cave has been tidied for me. One article I am missing was a review in one of the modelling magazines of a small company producing an 00 gauge twin axle builders type trailer with a towbar for a landrover. Can any one tell me who the company is and if possible it's web site.

  4. I Have been reading a web site were a student made a simple pulse magnatizer.


    it uses the following circuit and components

    - a 1N4007 diode
    - a DPST switch (I get mine from an old computer)
    - a Push button switch (or how it is called)
    - a jack and a capacitor(230 uF and 400 V) from an old power supply unit
    - a plastic, wood, Plexiglas, or any material you found, but NO metals like iron, steel, aluminum, copper or any metal that are atracted
    by magnets.
    - a 15 W, 220 V lamp

    - copper wire for making a coil (0.6 mm diameter for 800 turns)
    - something on you can spool your coil (I use a plastic support from solder with inner diameter 20 mm [don't use something that have the inner diameter bigger than 20 mm because then your magnetizer will not work])
    - a cable for your jack (I use an ordinary cable for PC supply), why I use it ? because it can be removed.
    -two plastic panels (I made them because my case needs panels )

    - 20 cm of thick copper wire (2-3 mm diameter) 


    Not being an electrical engineer I need to know is this strong enough to rematnatize my Triang x04 etc magnets. The full article covers some apparent safety issues ALL I need to know will it do what I want. If not has anyone got any othere ideas.














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