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North Eastern

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Status Updates posted by North Eastern

  1. Does anyone have a set of Skinley Drawings for the Tyneside 1937 Electric Stock?

    1. MarkC


      I wonder if this chap is still trading? He took over the range a few years ago https://www.yell.com/biz/skinley-drawings-peacehaven-5832439/

    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Thanks the last I heard they had being withdrawn from sale in 2013.


  2. Does anyone know what the radius is of the C&L 7mm B7 LH point?

    1. Londontram


      A lot of people don't look at the status updates you migjt get a better response if you post it in a more relevant section

  3. Does anyone know what the radius is of the C&L 7mm B6 LH point?

  4. Tomorrow is RAILEX NE 2017

    1. Two_sugars


      So's SUNDAY . . I hope!

  5. Three days until RAILEX NE 2017

    1. Two_sugars


      should be a good-un. . .av been saving up.

    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Defintely shaping up to be a good one, not sure if my wallet will stand it!!!


  6. Fours days until RAILEX NE 2017

  7. Setting off for the Perth MRC Exhibition with our 7mm layout Craster BR(NE) 1950/60's era. Come along and say hello if you are visiting we will be fast forwarding Craster to the 1980's for the last two hours on Sunday so if you want some Banger Blue action make sure you stop by.

    1. Skinnylinny


      I'll be there with the Edinburgh club's Glendevon. Feel free to come and say hi too! Linny (the one with the ponytail)

    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Cheers will do I'll be wearing the black RAILEX NE T-Shirt


  8. Off to Warley tomorrow. Got to get up at Daft O'clock to get the 06:23hrs train from Newcastle. Anyone else fancy a meet up when we get there?

    1. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Have you breakfast tonight, to save time in the morning.

    2. blueeighties


      Me jar of paint please:-)

    3. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Defo going to bed but alarm set for 4.30, will grab a Sausage sandwich at the Greggs opposite the station. Lee I'll get your paint!!!!


  9. Has anyone on here had any dealings with a Vin Burks from York/Scarborough? He has some loco's & wagons of mine but is not responding to any phone calls, emails or texts. Any help would be much appreciated as I am getting concerned about my stock and the lack of communication from him

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Claims he is very busy in his day job re-fitting pubs. Promised to have my locos ready a week ago for the second time. Still no communication from him and he is blocking my phone as every time I ring his mobile it goes straight to voicemail.

    3. lapford34102


      Borrow a phone

    4. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Tried that, he still won't answer it though it does ring awhile before going to voicemail. The police have being notified but are been as effective as a chocolate fireguard.


  10. Has anyone on here had any dealings with a Vin Burks from York/Scarborough? He has some loco's & wagons of mine but is not responding to any phone calls, emails or texts. Any help would be much appreciated as I am getting concerned about my stock and the lack of communication from him

  11. Patiently waiting for my delivery of 7mm Falcon's from Heljan to arrive next week. Will have a few spare if anyone is interested?

  12. Gradually recovering after a fantastic RAILEX NE, full details - http://www.railexne.com/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Hardly Boris, click on it and see, you may be pleasantly surprised!!!

    3. Boris


      Does it have any nudity?

    4. davefrk


      Did see someone with a few neck buttons undone...

  13. Day two of RAILEX NE is finished, thank you to all the Exhibitors, Traders & Visitors - Now to get on with the planning for 2016

    1. BoD


      Brilliant show - Thank you.

    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Hi BoD,many thanks for your kind comment, here's to another good show next year!!!


    3. Two_sugars


      Great show!! . . .Well done that team!!!

  14. Day one of RAILEX NE over and what a day!!! Day two tomorrow, come along and enjoy yourself with up to 40 layouts,

    1. BoD


      Up to 40? You mean you don't know?

      I'm looking forward to going tomorrow.

    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      I lost count after 35 plus the floor plan has been pretty fluid the last few weeks causing mega headaches

    3. Two_sugars


      I'll be there for the doors opening. .

  15. RAILEX NE starts tomorrow - come on over and see some top quality layouts!!!

  16. 2 days to go until RAILEX NE 2015 - http://www.railexne.com/

    1. Two_sugars


      Roll on Sunday!!!!!

    2. gridwatcher


      Roll on this evening!!


  17. 3 days to go until RAILEX NE 2015 - http://www.railexne.com/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gridwatcher


      Just getting those drinking boots polished and ready!!

    3. trainmaster247


      Gets pictures I can't come (just a little swim away)

    4. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      I'll post some more later and over the weekend


  18. 4 days to go until RAILEX NE 2015 - http://www.railexne.com/

    1. gridwatcher


      Getting excited now!!

    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      I'm getting stressed!!!!!!!

  19. I wish I could stay awake to see the Caledonian Sleeper pass my house at Morpeth in the Wee Hours, unfortunately sleep will probably get the better of me. The next few days will probably see some interesting workings due to the flooding on the WCML!!

  20. 7 Days to go until RAILEX NE 2015 - http://www.railexne.com/

  21. 8 Days to go until RAILEX NE 2015 - http://www.railexne.com/

    1. Two_sugars


      I'll be there on the Sunday . . . YEAH!!!!



    2. Rowsley17D


      I think it will be Saturday for me and SWMBO. Says she'll get me something for Crimbo if I see I would like.

    3. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Hopefully see you chaps and others at the show, not long now!!!!

  22. 9 Days to go until RAILEX NE 2015 - www.railexne.com

    1. BoD


      Looks like a great show....again

    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Thank you. Hopefully it will live up to it and everyone who comes will enjoy it.

    3. blueeighties


      Can't wait for this, really looking forward to it!

  23. Managed to unpack the 15 boxes of Catfish & Dogfish wagons from Heljan today. Still got a few wagons spare, if anyone is interested please PM me.

    1. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      ...i'm guessing these are 7mm? Might explain why a panicky hunt revealed no 4mm Heljan dogfish :( Ta for the offer though.

    2. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Hi Steve,

      Yes they are 7mm.



  24. Expecting 15 large boxes containing a large quantity of Catfish & Dogfish wagons from Heljan this week. Still got a few spare if anyone is interested then PM me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jamie


      @ MMcCann - 7mm scale as far as I'm aware bud.

    3. davefrk


      Don't give him any more ideas Jamie

    4. muddys-blues


      Got mine on order :-)

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