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Horsehay Railway Modeller

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Everything posted by Horsehay Railway Modeller

  1. Just received a reply from a and h and apparently some early versions of the LZV100 need to receive some sort of upgrade specific to the rs bus (not just the 3.6 upgrade) I might send it off next week to be tested and / or upgraded.
  2. V 3.5 I bought it second hand and haven't had the need to upgrade so far.
  3. That was my worry. a and h will be my next port of call if I cant get anything sorted. so far no luck with two rs8 boards and one rs16 so it appears the lzv 100 may be at fault.
  4. No luck. I've just swapped the green terminal block for another one and checked the continuity of the wire. Ive also attatched a bit of track to the rs8 and dropped on my class122 with all its lights on. nothing showing up on the handset still.
  5. okay, thanks for that . is there any way to check if the rs bus is live? or even turn it on or off?
  6. yeah definately lzv 100. I think I've tried swapping the J and k but i can try again. at the moment they are definatley J to J and K to K.
  7. Evening, Im using an LH100 at the moment but will be using a PC and rocrail soon. The manual recommends using a resistor to simulate current draw across the terminals. no luck there. when in od mode the adress does not show the small b in the corner and instead lits the adress with a - . apparently this is a sign that the rs bus is not connected. am i right in understanding the led should also iluminate when a block is occupied. at the moment it isnt.
  8. Hi there, yep R to R and S to S. I've been setting random adresses between about 65 and 100 just seeing if anything works. I understand the address needs to be above 65 so as not to conflict with point adresses.
  9. Evening all, I've been trying to set up a pair of ldt rs 8. I've read through several forums on here and been poking about with a multimeter and cannot see for the life of me why it isnt working. I've tried setting up both on and off the layout (no track yet anyway) . And I've tested and checked all of the wires several times. I can get the board into programing mode and the led stops flashing when sent an address however it won't read back in od mode. The rs bus is connected properly but I can't make out if it is actually working. Should I be able to detect any voltage or current across it? My current theory is the rs bus is broken on the lzv 100.
  10. I finished a coursework yesterday (3 lab reports for uni) so as a reward I've spent the morning preparing the layout for wiring. I've decided to get the bus wires and controller installed whilst I wait for the track. I've started by installing the command station, USB interface, terminal strips and ldt rs 8 ready for initial wiring. All are positioned so as to avoid point work and point Motors.
  11. No real updates. I'm still waiting for peco to manafacture three way points before the rest of the track gets dispatched. I've also spent the last week in Cornwall working on my girlfreinds parents new house. They moved from Shropshire to liskeard so it's all a little hectic. I'm back in Portsmouth now and I've got all of my uni deadlines looming too. I managed to mark out the track layout for the storage board today and I might be able to upload some photos I got of trains on liskeard viaduct. Other than that I will be a little quiet on here untill I get some uni work done.
  12. Today i painted up my peco tunnel portal, as well as installing a 3d printed tunnel liner. heres a shot of the bare portal before paint.
  13. Thanks for the tip, I modified the kit to be about half way between single and double width deck. No problems so far! I've just tried with a 61xx and a toad and all is fine. I even tested the 40 and no problems there either. I'm just waiting for the tunnel portal to be delivered and I can check that clears too.
  14. I got the cork glued down across the bridge this morning. I've temporarily laid some track with double sided tape, just to test how things look on the bridge and make sure my longest stock clears.
  15. A few photos of the installed bridge. you can see the 3d printed decks either side that will eventually be hidden in the landscaping. The stone work may get some more painting in the future, i just wanted to get the whole thing painted before i glued it in ready for cork to go down.
  16. Today I've been painting and installing the wills River Bridge, more photos when I get them off my camera
  17. I forgot to post yesterday, all but the bridge and the small area beyond it have now got cork. I've also attached a backscene, this time an n gauge I'd backscene as the board is only roughly 8" high, I think it Looks very good and adds more depth than a very cut down 00 gauge one would. Finally I also marked out the track plan on the cork and dropped some flexi track on to see how the station looks. I've ordered all of the points, however they won't be shipped until they are all in stock, hopefully it won't take too long. Here's a shot to test the new backscene.
  18. A bit more Cork down today, another section on the scenic boards and the whole of the storage board.
  19. Thank you very much for the photo, exactly the sort of scene I am aiming for. I'm sure the photo will be helpful, particularly when I'm looking for colours.
  20. I've ordered most of what is needed to get the layout running, the track is delayed until the points are in stock, however the cork arrived this morning and the backscene is due this afternoon. I've started cutting and gluing the 3mm Cork, I've decided to cover most of the station area but will only put Cork under the single track on the curve. It currently has half my bookshelf holding it down, including a full copy of the lord of the rings.
  21. Excellent work and incredible attention to detail as always. I can't help but think that by now you have probably spent much more on parts than it would cost to get a resin printer and curing oven yourself. I got into printing my own bits a few years ago when I needed a body shell for a model aircraft and all of the quotes I received were just under the price I paid for my own fdm printer (I currently don't have a resin printer but their costs are falling too at present) I've never looked back. They don't cost terribly much to run, they're now very safe, and are excellent for prototyping too... I tend to print several low detail versions before getting the final one done correctly and I only have to pay ~ one pound per 50g of plastic ( I'm not sure how resin costs compare). Most of the stuff I print costs less than the postage from many online services. Just some food for thought, I've always loved your work. David
  22. I travelled back to uni yesterday. It took me. A while to sort all of my stuff, but eventually everything fit exactly as I had planned. This morning I've managed to get the boards set up on my bed. Fortunately they all fit. The scenic board is heavy enough to level itself, however the lighter storage boards follow the level of the mattress meaning there ona very slight angle, it shouldn't be a hinderence to running though.
  23. Thanks for the reasurence, I wasn't certain on running tender first but it appears to be completely acceptable.
  24. Yesterday I made up an insert for one of my storage crates using some corrugated plastic. I've decided to transport my rolling stock unboxed to save space, including my unboxed pannier and my 04 (which has a box but fitted nicely behind the pannier) In the top of the box I can fit all of the other locos I want to bring inside their boxes. I could save even more space and allow room for new locos if I transport all of my locos unboxed, but there are so many detail parts on the new ones I think I'd be happier to leave them in their original packaging. Another dilemma I face is whether or not to bring my 4mt. Would it have run to a small terminus with no turntable?
  25. I finished wiring up the lighting pelmet this afternoon. The led strips alternate between warm Wight and cool white and are angled to spread light across the board. The whole assembly folds in half and is quite compact and relatively light. I think it will illuminate the scene quite nicely.
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