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Posts posted by Meir

  1. The 205 has arrived! Got to make some space so I can run it in (after lightly oiling, of course).  I just noticed that the motor carriage (left) sits slightly higher than the non-motor one (right).

    I assume this is standard given the motor? I didn't notice it on my previous one as I was preoccupied with the noise issue.



  2. Hi guys


    Last year I purchased a Bachmann class 205 and after a lot of phaffing around (re-greasing gears, etc.) trying to get it to run quietly, I ended up having to return it due to the noise it was emitting from the motor/gears (sort of grinding type noise).


    I'm thinking of buying another from a different supplier, but before I do can I ask those of you out there who have a 205 in BR blue what your experience of them is? I.e. Was my previous experience normal for that model? Does it run quietly for you?  I really dislike noisy motors/gears/wheel sets so if that is normal then I won't worry about getting another one.



  3. H i all


    I was wondering if anyone out there has added legomanbiffo sound to a class 205?  I'm looking at doing this myself, but, from what I understand, the audio needs to be uploaded into the DCC decoder? I.e. it doesn't come as part of that?  If this isn't the case please let me know, but otherwise: What's the process to do this?  I'm happy with buying the decoder+speaker and fitting them, but haven't (so far) found anything related to the audio upload.


    Any help/advice appreciated!



  4. You're probably right. My memory of the time is a tad hazy after all these years and I probably wouldn't remember it at all if it wasn't for the coach being the way it was. So yes, probably a 416. 

    I do have a couple of Bachmann 416 EPBs in BR blue (and a couple in blue & grey) - love 'em :). I just wish I could get hold of a BR blue 415, but no one seems to have made one. As a consolation I've got my eye on a 205 thumper, although only a 2 unit set so if I do buy it I might see if I can "upgrade" it to 3 units (wonder if I can use one of my Mk1 suburban coaches for that?).

  5. Thanks for all of the replies, guys.


    I'll skip repainting my Mk1's. I do like the BR blue livery the most, although I do have room in my heart for many of the others (blue & grey, southern green, maroon to name a few).


    I grew up seeing mostly the blue & grey livery with the odd BR blue.  What you guys have said does gel with my memories as the only BR blue coach I ever travelled on (I was about 13) was an old non corridor/suburban one which I thought so odd being sectioned off as it was! My family and I were travelling from Bromley North headed back south during the mid to late '80s.


  6. Hi guys


    Were non-suburban Mk1 BR Blue coaches a thing? I've got lots of the surburban ones, but cannot find any other type apart from in EMU/DMU form.

    I was looking at repainting some blue & grey Mk1's but if they were never a thing then I won't bother (and from what I can tell that may be the case - just want to gather some opinions/confirmation)



  7. For the most part I'm happy with it, but as you say there is some light bleed. That doesn't bother me too much, but I'll possibly address that in time, although I'm reluctant to make any permanent modifications (the lighting itself is not permanent).

    As for seeing it working; I don't currently have a layout to try it out on - mostly due to a lack of space - but I'm looking at setting up a section of tunnel and a terminus station which I can run this model on. Not the best as I cannot just leave it to run, but I'll be able to see it in a contextal setup and be good for developing my modelling skills which are a bit basic it must be said.


    Thanks for letting me know your thoughts on the above - much appreciated :).

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  8. Hi guys


    Here's the final result. The lighting seems to have lost a little of it's softness (same LED strips, more resistance so dimmer) under room lighting conditions, but looks a bit better when the room lights are dimmed or off. Please keep in mind that the lights appear a tad brighter in the picture with the room lights off than they actually are. I left the cab headlights on to give a rough guide for what that might be worth. The control method I'm usings is DCC btw so DC will obviously give a lower level of light.

    What do you guys think? Blue appears to approve as he didn't immediately try and knock it all over :rolleyes::superstition:.






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  9. Hi guys


    Thanks very much for your replies - very helpful. It looks like I do indeed need to turn the lights down and paint the insides of the carriages. I'll use acrylics for that just in case I make a mistake as it's far easier to remove.

    As Pete suggests, I will do the painting first and then the lighting, although I have to decide if what colour to use as this will have an effect. I will have to experiment to see if white will stop the bleed as I really want to avoid darker colours.

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  10. Hi guys


    I'm new to the forums (hi to all!) and think I've put this in the right place, but if not feel free to move it.


    I've been collecting model trains, track etc for the last two years, although I've not got a layout yet (working on that, but space is a real issue).

    To keep me busy I thought I'd add some lighting to my s stock tube train (Bachmann 35-990B). I've been playing around with the lighting levels and am not sure I've got that right. In my mind it should be a little darker so I've ordered some larger value SMD resistors. In the mean time I thought I'd get some other folks opinions. I did a loco and a carriage of the 4 units for testing purposes. What do people think? The first photo is in a lit room, the others are with the lights turned off.

    Also: I'm thinking of painting the inside walls to stop some of the light bleed.











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