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John Wass

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Posts posted by John Wass

  1. On 09/09/2012 at 20:43, Judge Dread said:

    Here's my modest contribution.

    1, I'm straight from school in July 1959, joining the Signal &Telegraph dept. based in Hull. Here I am on the right by the way, with my ganger, the now late Laurie Fairbanks on the steps of the control tower at the New Inward yard in Hessle, near Hull.


    The second photo was taken some four years later inside the workshop yard alongside Hull Paragon station. Now promoted to an assistant tech. class 3. I'm still on the right wearing the very latest fashion, the cut down great/car coat. It should be noted that in those days my meagre pay did not allow me to sport a beard.



    Paragon Yard 1963.jpg

    New Inward Yard tower steps1960.jpg

    • Like 18
  2. On 12/05/2017 at 11:39, Judge Dread said:

    I'll start the ball rolling with a view of WAT 652 , on the left, which I had a part share in the 70's.  Alongside is VRH 644 which is still owned by the East Yorkshire Motor Services company. As can be seen they both have a shaped roof which allowed them to pass through the Beverley Bar, 652 being the last example so built. That bus is now owned by a gentleman in Halifax.  They are both A.E.C. Regent Mk 5's but with different body manufacturers. 652 by Charles Roe and 644 by Willowbrook. The young lady alongside "Sputnic" is my eldest daughter Heidi who was born in 1968 and has always requested that no-one should work out her age.



    Heidi and 652.jpg

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  3. Trolley wires are positive and negative, fine for trolley poles but a pantograph would span  across these and course a short. They use earth return through the running rails. Pantograph don't need as much extra cable work to hold them in place were as the trolley pole type certainly does.

  4. I had better start saving my pennies for a 4DD and go into getting myself fit.

    Mind  you  a Bullied 4Sub would be just as good for me, less running.  

    I do wonder why two motors are required.

    I had two of Bachmann's 4-Ceps which I ran together on my layout "Meopham East Junction" at many exhibitions in many countries.

    At one show, one motor re-programmed itself and I had to remove it. The train ran on and every time it stopped, I removed the lonely power car and sniffed it for overheating. All was well.

    One motor or two will not stop me having one on my home layout as I have retired and "Meopham" has been sold!

    • Agree 1

    On 07/08/2016 at 21:33, Judge Dread said:

    Photographed on the day I sold it is my 1950 Vincent Series C Comet. I have always regretted that day but looking back, it was a wise decision. The bike didn't really like me as a previous owner had tried to tune it but the Comet was always a mediocre 500 cc single cylinder and this one was better but not in heavy traffic.


    Now the 998cc twins, there was a different animal.  I did own a 1952 Series C Rapide which had been sold some 25 years earlier to provide a deposit on the house my wife and I still live in.

    Also I had given on long term loan a 1954 Series D Black Prince. This one didn't have any fairings and at the time of my collection of the beast, it was in Aldershot and in pieces. I did it get to go and rode it for a couple of years before it's owner claimed it back. Here's a picture of the first time I rode it after two years of a jig saw puzzle I didn't have a picture for! .  


    After all this time I have found a photo of my 1952 Rapide. It was 1972 and the plan was to fit a sidecar to the bike. I have never came so close to disaster in all my live. The sidecar was bought in York, about 40 miles away and it took 2 hours to get home. You may notice the damage to the junction of the exhaust  pipes. That was the kerb edge. The bike was sold at the pricy sum of £200, it was  1972 remember! 










    Copy of MXF 391Terry Street.jpg

    • Like 7
  6. 2 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

    Afternoon all.   Welcome to Sun Tues Wind-day.  The breeze has steadily picked up from mid-morning and is now flapping the bike-covers alarmingly.  As I had to carry out the Spring safety check anyway before we used them following the winter lay-up I did so and re-secured the covers afterwards.  Notwithstanding the wind the Big Yellow Thing is hanging in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.  


    Another day.  Ho hum.  There are rather more people about through the House of Fun and clearly far from all are making essential journeys.  Families continue to take their children somewhere with picnic bags or what ever they can muster to contain food and drink.  If their enquiories are anything to go by some are heading to locations as far from their local area as the Sussex coast and even the Isle of Wight.  They are unlikely to be allowed on the ferry to the latter without proof of local postcode but that's not my problem.  Today alone I have been asked for Hampstead Heath (arguably stretching the definition of "local" from south-west London), Windsor Castle (tourists often ask for the train to "Windsor Castle"), and Malton (in East Yorkshire, I believe, or the East Riding in Old Money).  Hmmmm.  So much for staying local.


    There is clear evidence that people are bored of staying at home and no matter what Boris says they will until confronted by force, do as they intend.  Some trains are now running at load factors of 75 - 100% in the early morning not helped by the Green Train Company reducing services at precisely the time more people are starting to move around.   Complaints about "sardines" were referred politely to Southern's management.  At least it's sardines these days.  I remember when the complaints on the main line revolved around kippers and their absence from the Brighton Belle menu.  


    Photos have been taken of the Hill of Strawberries looking good in the sun just in case New Neighbours alter things significantly.  They won't be in for a couple of weeks yet.  A parcel from Camborne requires my attention :D .  I shall be back later.  




    As far as I know Malton is on the border between North Yorkshire and East Yorkshire.

    • Agree 6
  7. Been there, done that.  I had two 4-Ceps which had their power cars at either end of the pair and were very slightly not the same speed and derailing was the problem. I solved that by coupling the power cars in the centre together and at exhibitions no one noticed the leading set was pushed and the trailing set were being pulled.

    I hope this helps you. 


  8. On 30/12/2020 at 11:27, skipepsi said:

    A problem I can only dream of having...

    I presume you are referring to cylinder heads, if so you want 30lb-ft (4.15kg.-m.) I hope this helps

    I live in the house still which I put down the deposit in 1972, which I acquired by selling my 1952 Series C Rapide.

    I still have a now oil stained copy of "Vincent Motor Cycles". A practical guide covering all Vincent and Vincent H.R.D. models from 1935 by Paul Richardson A.M.I.M.I. 


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  9. 9 hours ago, TheQ said:

    Sprouts,  best cooked with butter, small pieces of bacon and chestnuts.



    I agree but I'm banned from eating them now as I have to take Warfarin after two heart operations. I was allowed one sprout with my C..............s dinner as our two daughters use too be long, long ago, but now all gone! 

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