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Nicholas C

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Posts posted by Nicholas C

  1. Tbh I haven’t thought about the roof so I’m interested, how do I do it? I think the picture frame will definitely be built into the structure at a much later date, and yes building my own gives me way more options as good as the scale scenery ones are I was limited and no room from modding later on if things changed, might add a run around loop but not convinced at the no, the new board has arrived but at work till 4:30 and the pse timber framing arrives tomorrow so I might even biuild the base board over Thursday and Friday so I can start track laying on sat 

  2. On 03/04/2024 at 14:15, Ighten said:

    Looking good so far.. I would agree with James though and go with the picture frame effect for a layout of this size.. Such as shown here, forcing a viewpoint and adding lighting makes a huge difference. Also make sure your landscape isnt all flat.. As you have already laid the track on the base you could take the other route and build up a little land at the front.






    Your layout is exactly what I’m trying to recreate, it looks great, I have just started to ballast so hopefully it won’t be to much of a nightmare lol





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  3. Hi everyone so currently I’m beginning to start my layout, it’s a 00 and will be set in 1960, old school analogue operation, I have got a load of wills kits and so far the seem ok, hopefully I’ll be able to finish to a high standard, my layout is built on the scale model scenery bbo17 baseboards and is 1102 x 250 x 221, I have a branchline diorama in my head, there was someone on here who had made a small branchline, with coal yard at the left and station on the right going into a tunnel/ bridge but can’t remember the layout name, I know they had used scalescenes for everything, if anyone could jog my memory that would be very helpful, tunnel lane models greslington is also an inspirational layout






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  4. thank you, it took so long before i was happy with finding the correct ballast but now progress should be coming thick and fast, i have added a new signal box which was a little more intricate compared to my first one, the bubble cars amazing, it has fitted sound and it really does make a difference. i have a few more pictures to put up tonight but I have a vision now :)

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  5. so finally i have got to ballasting, it took me two days about 2 hours each day, but fairly happy with the result, now i can move forward with a little more speed hopefully, i also re-did one half of the station platform and finished the edging on it also.


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  6. image.png.7bb12ef6cd75a78392ffc95b5f85b22f.pngI found this image and its exactly like mine, yes I think I could be confused to the meaning  but the explanation above has made it way more clearer for me so I thank everyone who has helped in this matter, I added the what we will call run around loop for flexibility and if I ever wanted steam or freight at a later date, by building it into the plan it will give more options for future use, and rather than not put it in and have to add later.

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  7. thanks guys this is all brilliant information and has helped me a lot, you know what the Facebook warriors are like, I knew there were places that were like my plans, but they kept saying i was wrong, i have just gone and shot them down, they obviously don't know as much about railways as they think they do :)

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  8. hi guys a quick question about run a round loops, originally I was told to add one, now people are saying its all wrong. 

    i plan to use dmu only but I added a run around loop for interest, were there any train stations that had a run around loop either forward of the station or in a strange position like half in half out I found this picture and it looks like the run around loop is forward of the train station, can anyone advise?


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