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Posts posted by No.8_Bear

  1. Thanks for the reply  - I did look at the Langley figures, but didn't see anything that quite fitted the bill - but I'll take another look. I think men are generally easier as the clothes don't change that much - but ladies fashions change very distinctly between decades. However - the Andrew Staddens set does look absolutely great - so I'm going to order them! - (BTW  I did have a go creating my own figures with Milliput but that didn't turn out too well!) 

  2. I'm modelling in the early 1920s  and I'd like to people my layout with some appropriate figures - I'm no fashion expert, but most of the ones I've looked at appear more 1950s - present day - I've also found some Victorian/Edwardian ones but they wouldn't look correct either - has anyone got any suggestions please?     

  3. So quick update just in case it helps anyone else - I did as suggested above put the blanking plate and ran it as good old DC and it shot round the layout like crazy with hardly any juice at all - so then I connected up a Hornby decoder from another loco and again it ran OK as well - clearly there is something wrong with the decoder should have done this at the outset!  

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  4. Thanks Bernard will - tbh this is the only problem I've had and I'm enjoying thing pretty much (well it took me about a 10 attempts to work out how to wire a double slip - but that's another story!) - I've built up a small collection of RTR - Bachmann and Hornby engines and I'm amazed at how much the hobby has changed in the intervening time - but this one reminds me of the Triang Lord of the Isles I once had! 

  5. Hi all - i have returned to the hobby after a long break and have built a modest DCC tail-chaser layout. I've been learning a lot from online discussions and videos and things have been going pretty well  - but I have one problem I don't seem to be able to solve. I purchased an Oxford Rail Dean Goods with sound and its a terrible runner. Painfully slow, it stops for no reason and if you get it going at all it kind of 'lurches' along - it has done this from the outset.  I emailed Oxford and asked about this - they were nice enough to reply but didn't offer any advice. I've cleaned every wheel, pick up etc til its gleaming - and its correctly lubricated. Is there anything anyone can suggest (I was going to send it back but I managed to snag one of the tender handbrakes on its first outing!) - any advice would be gratefully rec'd! Cheers 



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