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Posts posted by Shirleybasm

  1. On 24/07/2020 at 12:18, pohlmannx said:

    In each failing scenario stick A is a common factor.

    In each failing scenario B2 is a common factor.


    It can be concluded that A and B2 do not work together. However, I cannot conclude whether this is only due to A, or only due to B2 or both.

    you appear to only work on assumptions and not hard facts. You have not observed the the effect on a pc screen and what actually occurs. I have reported the tests done but because it works on a previous version I believe that herr freiwald cannot get past this and can’t accept the issue as it is

  2. Hi all,


    I would just like to thank all those who have replied to my issue,  it’s good to know that my testing and conclusions of the issue are correct from your comments,  as you all seem to come to the same logical conclusions as me. A special thank you to the member who helped with the testing and confirmed my findings. Unfortunately I have been unable to resolve the problem and think that herr freiwald is the only person who can ultimately sort out the issue.

  3. 2 hours ago, RFS said:


    Have you had a look at the Windows error log files after this happens? Could be the program is suffering some sort of failure, in which case Herr F should have something more to think about. Could happen if the stick were corrupted possibly.


    Also have you tried starting in demo mode, and then once it's running plugging the stick in?

    have looked in event viewer and there are no traincontroller events

  4. 2 minutes ago, RFS said:


    Have you had a look at the Windows error log files after this happens? Could be the program is suffering some sort of failure, in which case Herr F should have something more to think about. Could happen if the stick were corrupted possibly.


    Also have you tried starting in demo mode, and then once it's running plugging the stick in?

    That’s a good point on the error logs I will investigate this.


    on the send point yes I have tried this approach with the same result as soon as I press continue the program shuts down

  5. 5 minutes ago, spamcan61 said:

    That'll cost a lot more than a new stick...

    very true but it’s not about the money.


    i also had a builder try to shaft me, now that builder can’t sell his house as I am listed on his title deeds. which will cost him dear in the long run.






    • Like 3
  6. Update 


    I have had initial advice from  a solicitor, who have advised that I require a firm that specialises in European law so that will be the next step.


    but something very interesting came up regarding pricing that action could also include the discrimination aspect of the pricing structure of the software. So this maybe something to look at. As a further advice there is the possibility of a private investigator looking into things as part of the legal action for building a case. Additionally the uk agent could also be included in this situation 



  7. 1 hour ago, JimFin said:


    Sort of - but its possible that your version of 9B2 has been incorrectly configured for that dongle. Both the software and dongle could be working individually - just not correctly integrated. Not much help in resolving you problem but offers another explanation about what is happening.


    Did you know - dongles like this are probably covered for accidental damage on you contents insurance policy should anything bad happen to it.

    this was my thought, hence why I wanted to return the stick to mr F 

  8. 1 hour ago, RFS said:

    I recently had to have faulty stick replaced. Bit of a palaver but got there in the end. The new stick requires a two-step process for security reasons. The stick that is sent out needs to be activated. On receipt of the stick, you confirm to Herr F that you have it via your registered email address, and he returns to you a licence key to activate it.


    I wonder therefore that the stick that does not work on B2 needs to have this licence key added again to activate it?

    yes this has been tried, but only once I got the program running in demo mode. If the stick is in when I start the program, the program displays the splash screen and promptly shuts down.

  9. 18 minutes ago, pohlmannx said:

    Stick A - ver 9B2 does not work
    Stick B - ver 9B2 works
    you deduce that stick A must be faulty because B works with 9B2, but A does not. Sounds logical, no doubt.


    Stick A - ver 9A4 works
    Stick A - ver 9B2 does not work
    one can deduce with exactly the same logic that 9B2 must be faulty because 9A4 works with A, but 9B2 does not.

    Both conclusions follow the same logic.


    So A is faulty or 9B2 is faulty or both.

    This was my point. I think this was a sensible and objective contribution to this topic.


    I would suggest you look at my post on the testing done this gives complete in depth look of the testing . You will see that another users stick on my layout did work with 9B2 and that my stick on there layout did not work with 9 B2. This clearly shows the common factor is my stick. If it was software other users would be reporting the same issue. ( which herr freiwald confirms they are not ) And the other users stick would not work on my layout which it did work.

    but to determine the cause only herr freiwald could do this due to the nature of the issue and this is all I wanted, very simple request I thought. Even when I offered to pay for postage and if required a new stick Which I would pay for not that unreasonable I would say, but herr freiwald point blank refused such request and considers it a demand.


    so no both conclusions do not follow the same logic as your logic gives the premise it’s a software fault, When my testing has shown it not to be so where herr freiwald has done no testing, and even if it was at fault would not herr freiwald like to know what was wrong with 9b2 to bring out a new 9b3 to fix the software fault if such a fault exists.


    your original opening post stated that herr freiwald was the expert, which is why I wanted him to look at this, is this also flawed logic. But you also take my data use it to prove your point. Where is your data that freiwalds logic is sound.


    we shall never know now as herr freiwald refuses to communicate with me but if he really wants all the time and hassle of legal proceedings and all it entails as opposed to simple resolution then is that logical.



  10. 14 hours ago, ahellary said:

    i think this thread is loosing sight of the op


    the pricing structure is shall we say.. at best interesting and a worst totaly incomprehensable


    so id like some one to explain  this

    I would say the pricing structure has some logic to mr F and for the rest of us we need mystic meg

    • Funny 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, pohlmannx said:

    Apparently one may only write something here that suits your plans.


    But then you don’t need to find it odd when people you scared don't want to answer anymore.

    no every one has a right of reply but to state mr F logic is sound without even presenting actual facts as to why they are sound does not reinforce your point.


    then you must scare very easily from users views


    people tend to hide behind silly statements when they not got a solid argument to make a point. If you find this thread and forum such a  waste then retire from it, but your find all forums have these kind of debaits, all those except traincontroller forum where opinions  are not tolerated except for a certain person

  12. 6 minutes ago, pohlmannx said:

    Only logic was important to me and not which side was right.

    That’s as bad as the saying spend a pound to save a penny, or in your case spend a euro to save a cent. This logic you wish to impart has made no contribution to this thread and has only furthered many here as to why you wish to impart this logic

  13. 52 minutes ago, pohlmannx said:


    Excuse me please. But I could have guessed that based on your nickname.


     I have given my opinion, I will stick to it and I have nothing more to contribute.

    just correcting your post where you put he. Once I can put as a typo but twice.


    ok you state your opinion  which Is your right, but back them up with hard facts, the only point you made is he is an expert but experts can be wrong at times. I have backed up mine with hard data. Herr freiwald has also never backed up his stance either.

  14. 41 minutes ago, melmerby said:

    Hi Iain

    This is an open forum and you don't need to register to read.


    I do find it odd that a user would just sign up to specifically comment on someone’s logic and not even respond to any replies to those comments and then the very next day the faq on the stick on freiwalds website are updated, draw your own conclusions 

    • Agree 3
  15. Well a rather interesting  update to the faq for the stick. But this goes agaist what mr F has put in an email to me that if I take legal action he would close the business down. So clearly A bluff on his part guess I’ll call then.


    of course the door is always open to mr F to see sense here and I am happy to work with him over the issues but I’m not hopeful of this.

  16. 1 hour ago, pohlmannx said:

    And in Freiwald's HO it cannot be the stick as the stick works with another version. Same logic, isn't ist?


    I don't want to defend somebody here. I don't care who is right. But I am reluctant if someone thinks something is logical and something else not that follows the same logic just because the other does not suit his plans. That is my point.


    will admit that this is a very odd issue, but if this was a software issue then many more would have the same issue as me, which freiwald has stated aswell.


    but I will clarify the tests done


    stick A = my stick

    Stick B = other users stick


    layout A = my layout

    layout B = other users layout



    9A4 stick A layout A = works

    9A4 stick B layout A = works


    9B2 Stick A layout A = does not work

    9B2 stick B layout A = works


    9A4 Stick A Layout B = works

    9A4 stick B Layout B = works


    9B2 Stick A Layout B = does not work

    9b2 stick B layout B = works


    so the common factor is stick A does not work on any layout that runs 9B2


    additionally a fresh windows was done with only TC installed which resulted in the same results as above.


    tests without a stick installed in demo mode, the results that all layouts and both versions work. So my conclusion is that something is corrupt  with my stick and using v9b2. I think that due to the odd nature of the issue is what is influences freiwald, but without examination of the stick then freiwald could not state 100 % my stick is not at fault and this is what I was asking for him to just look at it or replace. My tests is hard data by pure scientific testing, but at no stage has herr freiwald backed up his logic with hard data to support his logic. How long would it have it taken him to to look at my stick would of been just the briefest of time. but as the saying goes once you eliminate the possible then the impossible remains

  17. 1 hour ago, pohlmannx said:


    Don't you notice that exactly the same goes for Shirleybasm? The only difference is that he agrees with something. Is that easier to accept for you because you agree with him?


    BTW: I've been following this part of the forum for several months now because I'm looking for a new program. I did not come across this randomly. And I don't suppose Shirleybasm either.


    I was actually hoping to find professional decision-making aids for my program selection in this forum. Unfortunately, I mainly find quite a bit of bashing here combined with the tendency to allow only one direction as an opinion. Too bad.


    im a she not a he 

  18. 7 hours ago, pohlmannx said:

    I assume that he knows his software very well. If he is convinced that it is not due to the stick, then in my eyes it is quite weighty.

    If you don't trust his expertise, I would look for another program.

    he may very well know his software. But that’s like a doctor saying there is nothing wrong with you without seeing you but you clearly can see you have a problem. The point is herr freiwald is jumping to conclusions and thinks just because he thinks a stick can’t be at fault doesn’t mean that the stick can’t be at fault. The common factor has been the Stick. If he based is replies on hard facts and data instead of parables this might have more weight. And the time he has taken in email replies probably exceeds the time it would take to look at the stick oh how can I assume such a fact when I don’t know how long it would take to look at the stick. And remember I offered to pay for postage and a new stick if needed is this being unreasonable which herr freiwald considers a demand. And a final thought even on the freiwald forum there is evidence of a stick that can stop the program starting. As a developer I would of wanted to see what was wrong so to be able to give help to others if it ever happened again, and the point of bringing this here was to highlight how at risk we are of the stick failing and would certainly be up the creak if freiwald was no longer trading would will come sooner than later as he is no spring chicken. And the intention to shut up shop was referred to in an email. If you want to defend him that’s your right if your a user then smell the coffee and wake up that this product has a shelf life due to the stick

  19. 1 minute ago, pohlmannx said:


    I don't find the logic strange. It may not be easy to understand. But in my eyes it's not sexismus, it's more a parable.  He compares your point of view with something he says himself is nonsense to show how nonsensical it is in his eyes.

    As I said, maybe difficult to understand, but not illogical.

    maybe a parable but is certainly not backed up by hard evidence which I have asked for, how he can be so certain the stick is not at fault. I have over 30 emails from him and not one has tried to engage with trying to resolve the issue. He has just made up his mind. And quoted this and that from license agreements to it’s not possible for the stick to stop the program starting and has not backed this statement up. 

  20. This is another email I got from mr F. This certainly has some strange logic and could border on being sexist. But in any case his conclusion of why he feels my stick is not the cause is flawed because to make such a statement he would need to examine the stick and at no point has he offered any data or facts as to why the stick is not at fault.


    “Looking at the facts, I realize that TrainController 9.0A4 works with your stick; Version 9.0B2, however, does not. So there must be a software difference (!) between version 9.0A4 and 9.0B2, that does this. This difference in the software cannot be remedied by exchanging the stick.

    Your stick does not work with version 9.0B2, but someone else's stick works. From this you conclude that it must be due to the stick. Your stick was issued in the name of a woman. The other stick surely in the name of a man. Just as one could conclude that the stick is the cause, one could also deduce the gender of the user (which can be derived from the information stored on the stick) as the cause. Just as you request an exchange of the stick, you could also request a gender change of the user. I put this obvious nonsense into the field to show you how to classify your conclusions and demands.”

  21. 24 minutes ago, Lantavian said:


    I suppose Rule Number One applies to private companies too.


    But it is a warning that it's a risk -- a difficult to estimate risk -- that if you buy his products, you might suddenly no longer get any after-sales service or advice. 


    Buyer beware.




    yes very true, but his license model using the usb stick is what increases the risk as opposed to a software key would always work regardless if that company ceased trading. Whereupon if he ceases trading and the stick fails the software is usless. Usb dongle sticks are very 80s

  22. This email is one of many I received a shows how he views the business, and it’s possible future.


    “License codes are only valid for the particular version of the software, which they have been purchased for.

    Perhaps you should know that we no longer operate this business because we want to make money from it. We continue to operate it as long as we still enjoy it. And we only operate it where we still enjoy it. If it’s no longer fun for us to sell to a particular country, for example, we don’t have the slightest problem with completely stopping selling there. 

    In regions, where there is comparatively much friction with users, we have already taken the first steps in this direction. The frictions with you may make a further contribution to this. If cases like this lead to further public discussions or legal issues, this can only lead to us withdrawing from the affected region even faster. This may be a shame for users there, who like to use our software. For us it wouldn't be a real drama.


    Even if we didn't sell a single license anywhere in the world from tomorrow, then it would simply be so. Then we would close this business. And I would do something that I enjoy more.“


    I do love his statement frictions with users, most frictions are caused by his attitude towards users even when he does reply on his forum he seems to be talking down at you as if your thick.


    the section on licenses is expanded in other emails but he takes the view that your license is only valid for the version available at the time of purchase, and not subsequent updates of that version and therefore your in breach of that license. This applies to the many who have done just this 

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