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anthony allen

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Posts posted by anthony allen

  1. I have purchased the west hill wagon works smowploughs/hunt couplings for a couple of my old Bachmann 37s


    the yellow used in these is a bit "tepid" to say the least does anyone have a good colour match (humbol) for the yellow front end of an old Bachmann tractor in order that I can repaint/spray the ploughs?


    many thanks  for any assiatance



  2. Dave




    I do mean CVs 2 5 and 6 yes


    at present the two locos have very different speeds

    the new 20/3 can be upto speed step 14 to be moving slowly if I had the 20/9 on that speed it would beat the bullet train!


    I would like to know if and how its possible that they Accelerate and decelerate at the same speed so I can consist them


    Kindest regards


  3. I have an older variant of the Bachmann class 20/9 and also the new model 20/3 both sound fitted.


    I have been able to consist them in the usual way on the NEC and I have tried to set the CV speed steps 2, 5, 6 to the same settings however one is still much quicker through the speed steps than the other and therefore I don't want to regularly run them in that form.


    Is anybody able to suggest the correct or alternative CVs to set in order that both engines operate at similar speed steps to aid consisting?


    Many thanks for anyone who can respond



  4. morning all in RM Web land


    I have an OO gauge Dapol 68 with a Loksound decoder


    some how I can only get the white forward lights on cab 2 and the red lights on cab 1 whichever way my engine goes - I had assumed that I had pushed one of the push/pull functions but cant seem to rectify back to "directional lighting any help gratefully received!

  5. I have purchased a second-hand Hornby class 153 in 00 gauge with a loksound decoder and everything works wonderfully well.


    It does however have jerky movements at low speeds and I am sure that I have seen something before on the forum which corrects this using a minor change to a couple of the CVs – 53/54?


    for the life of me I cannot seem to find it so I wonder if anybody has had a similar problem and has had success in overcoming it and could pass on their wisdom


    many thanks

  6. I don't have an airbrush however I have been using the rail match frame dirt/roof dirt/exhaust/aerosols to reasonable effect in terms of weathering my stock along with other techniques.


    Unfortunately, it appears that no company provides brake dust in an aerosol can form and I wonder if any of the wonderful people on the forum have been able to find another product, in an aerosol, which is very colour similar to brake dust?

  7. Good afternoon all out therein RM land.


    I'm wondering if anybody has come across a plastic/resin kit (not cardboard) of a modern low relief commercial type building (not railway infrastructure such as a signal box) which I could kit bash to cover my points panel?


    Effectively I need it to be three sided with a roof in order that I can access the switches to change my points. I have searched around the net but I am struggling to find something that really works.


    It does not need to be anything particularly well detailed as really I'm just trying to hide my own railway infrastructure!


    In terms of dimentions I really need it to be greater than 180mm x 50mm with a height of at least 70mm


    Any ideas gang

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