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Posts posted by Clarkey77

  1. On 12/12/2022 at 09:32, Revolution Ben said:


    Hello Paul,


    The IPAs and IZAs have long wheelbases and will drag a little on first radius curves but this is down to the laws of physics.   Revolution recommends curves no tighter than 12".


    A small number of early IZAs had problems with the brake blocks rubbing the wheels.  This was because the blocks were modelled in the scale location.  It wasn't picked up as an issue on any test samples where the parts were fitted together correctly but in mass production occasionally the blocks were misaligned; this can be corrected by bending them out fractionally. 


    We learned from this and adjusted their position on the IPAs and I have not heard anyone complaining of poor running with the car carriers.


    A small number of IWAs had the axle pin-points ground off by the factory because the axles were not to spec and too long.  We have replacements; if you need some please contact us.


    I have a good dozen or so Farish BRA/BYA models and have never had any problems.  


    I agree that there will always be occasional duds that slip through the QC net, but I don't think I know of any Revolution or recent Farish models that have issues baked in.




    Ben A.


    Hi Ben.   Given that the IZAs and IPAs have a comparable wheel base to the VGA made by Farish,  I can say that I have never had any drag-related running issues with those.  I can't, however, comment on the VGAs capabilities in terms of small radius curves, as I don't have anything that tight on my layout, so, unfortunately, I'm unable to provide any sort of comparison for you.


    With regards to the running faults that you mention with the early IZAs, and also the small number of ground-down axle pin points fitted to the IWAs, it does appear that I may have just been very unlucky, probably, by the sounds of it, just managing to receive a high proportion of that very small number in the ones that I purchased.  This, however, doesn't take away from the fact that I have had to adjust factory fitted detail, and to also swap out manufacturer wheelsets (Kindly supplied by yourselves to rectify the issue), to allow for free running of items sold as Ready to Run models.


    As for the Farish BRA/BYA, I have three or four where the wheel flanges (factory fitted axles) make contact with the chassis outriggers, and as a result, these ribs have had to be cut away, fortunately, in this instance, not detracting from the model in any way.


    I must admit that the issues with the IPAs may not be down to the wagon itself, but probably more to do with my choice of traction.  Strangely, if not ironically, it's only the Revolution Class 92 that has issues pulling a few sets.  Perhaps these were left in the oven for too long? 


    Apologies for taking this thread off on an RT tangent.  It was only my intention to illustrate that Dapol are not the only manufacturer to be infallible, and whilst saying that, I continue to support all that were mentioned.


    Cheers, Paul.

    • Like 2
  2. On 08/12/2022 at 22:06, gedlee said:

    Hi All,

    i purchased and fitted some washers from Maxwells and it stopped the wheels rubbing on the bodies.

    The brakes on the wagons still caused a dragging problem on corners so I removed all the brakes. They just clip out of the bogies.

    The wagons now roll completely freely and there is no difficulty in locos pulling a long rake.




    The question is, why are we having to make these alterations to RTR items? 


    I'm not afraid of a bit of modelling, but surely altering something as basic as ride height, and removing manufacturer-fitted detail, shouldn't be required.  We are buying working models, so, in my opinion, as long as the item resembles the prototype, movement should be top of the list to get spot on.  I can cope with a grill not being the correct one for that specific 37, or a window being there that shouldn't be, so extra tooling isn't required, but if the damn things don't run, the design brief hasn't been met.


    To be fair to Dapol, though, they aren't the only ones with these issues, as both Farish and Revolution suffer similar running difficulties with a number of their products, BRA/BYA, IPA, IZA and IWA, all spring to mind.


    Considering what we are paying, these days, at the very least, I would expect excellent running straight out of the box, however, this does not appear to always be the case.


    Gripe over (bet you're all glad!) 🥴



    • Agree 1
  3. On 31/10/2022 at 21:18, Revolution Mike B said:


    I really wouldn't worry about the weight - our 59s will make light work of these 🙂

    I'm not so sure that they will make light work of them.  After buying some more JHAs at Warley, my CJM 59 can't manage 20, more like 10.  Need to investigate the weight and the removal thereof.  Hopefully won't turn in to more siding wagons......

  4. Good morning Revolution Trains. 



    Do you have any further news for your customers regarding the bogie/axle issue with your IWA wagons, please?  It's been quite a while since the issue was raised but the subject doesn't seem to come up.  I would have expected a newsletter-style email to have been sent out, if only to keep the likes of myself, with static models, in the picture, but alas, nothing.  Could you please advise?


    Faithfully awaiting any update, or preferably, new axles.

    Cheers, Paul.

    • Like 1
  5. Hello.  This looks great but I need to ask one thing first, something that I did ask you about when the N gauge one broke cover but unfortunately, never received a reply.  Here goes: Will the roof remain the colour it is in the photos above, or will it become a light grey like the Revolution Trains version in N?  The one above looks like a much closer representation to the real thing than the N gauge one, however, I was advised by RT that their lighter grey was correct and as per the colour spec received from Stobart, themselves.  It seems strange that the OO version by Accurascale should then be different given both are Kernow Ltd editions.  Different colour specs between manufacturers, perhaps?


    Revolution 92 (2mm scale)



    Accurascale 92 (4mm scale)



    I'm not complaining about the price, but I would like to know before ordering as I don't particularly want to have to respray a brand new model like I would have had to do with the N gauge version, which is why I passed on it.


    Thanks for your time,



    An avid Stobart collector

  6. Hi Mike.  It's a shame but no, I don't.  I wish I had.  If I did, I wouldn't have had to ask.  As for comparing, unfortunately, this is the only option I have as I don't have the model in my hands.  This why I asked the question before spending £180.


    I've gone through a large number of photos and specifically looked for ones where lighting is even and without shadow or reflection.  Take a look for yourself.  You can also compare the shade to the blue high intensity light surround and horns on end 2 of the loco, which I would say are still in EPS blue.


    Ben, thanks for the quick response.  I agree that lighting conditions and scale do affect colour, but after all that I have looked at with varying conditions, it just doesn't look like right.  Perhaps Mike is correct and it was the lighting of the model in your video.


    "As per the specification we sent or able to source".

    Did you struggle to source some of the colour spec? Is this one of those colours that you struggled to get?


    Just to confirm, is the roof colour correct?  If you say it is, I'll take your word for it and get back in my box.


    Regards, Paul.

  7. After not receiving a reply from Kernow, I thought I'd come on here for an answer.  As sjacko above also asks, is the roof colour on 92017 correct?  The numerous photos that I've viewed online compared to the one in the RT video would suggest not.

    The DB example also looks quite a bit on the light side.


    Apologies for bringing this up but these models are not cheap.


    Regards, Paul.

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