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Posts posted by Bonkers

  1. I have about 50 ( number may differ from previous thread... I have. Now counted them)

    10 are pairs so each platform light has two bulbs but only 2 wires. The others are all single.


    i haven’t connected them all yet as I’m registered blind and they are just two fiddly so waiting for a friend to do.


    my question is what do I use to power them, at present I am using a Maplin switched mode power supply hopefully I will get the photo attached. It is 3 amps and no idea of wattage or ohms ( that maybe to do with the wire I use 


    i have an an identical one which powers Skale lighting( about 10 lights in buildings some point motors and buffer lights, other signals and point motors run off the side sockets of an H and M duette.


    yeah I know, so many points of power but the point motors I beleive need 12 volts, the house lights look better with less than 12 volts and the grain of wheats I am trying to connect melt at above 6volts.


    this power supply I have is only 3 amp so need to find something bigger but don’t understand how using a printer power supply or other transformer works when I need two banana plugs to plug in to.



  2. Hi, this is my first post so hope I have placed it correctly.


    i have about 60 grain of wheat bulb station lamps and at present only two are connected ( they are double platform lights so essentially there are four lamps,


    i have them them connected to a pair of long copper wires, one covered in red plastic the other covered with black. I one end of the copper wires have banana plugs on and are in a 3 amp switched power supply.


    at present the lights are very dim as I only have them set at 3 volts. I can turn this to 4 or 7 or 8 or 12 volts and this does increase brightness but the bulbs melt the plastic lamppost/ platform lights.


    how do I get them brighter without melting

    how is best to wire and how many amps of power will I need, do I need a separate power source, I have a ham ant and Morgan duette controller am I best using the side 12v plug holes to power lights


    why do they melt is it amps or volts or watts that cause this.


    thank you


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