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Status Updates posted by LNERGE

  1. I’ve just put an eBay motor in a Lima 08. A bit wild at first but fiddled with the back emf setting and it’s a usable loco. Hornby chip with home made stay alive. 

  2. One last asymetric brake section to add and all the main running lines and both return loops are so fitted. 32 sections so far

  3. The back contact is at the front. The front contact is in the middle and the arm is at the back.

  4. So ok I am driving two solenoids from one accessory decoder. From the elite controller it works fine. From Railmaster one end goes the opposite way. 

  5. My Christmas present from Mrs LNERGE has arrived.. Christmas 2021 that is. Welcome Ring Haw.

  6. I managed to solder the sole bars into the wrong holes. With the aid of a cooker and a few tools the day has been saved. 

  7. An extremely busy week planned. Perfect time to catch covid.

  8. To go out and pick up a token instrument from an auction house or stay home and wait for the postie with my Genesis tool van… Sore back and dirty hands tonight. 

  9. Aobtd. This one should go back togeter though.

  10. Does the MOD still have ramp wagons to go with it's WAFLATS and WARWELLS?

  11. A perfect day for a bit of modelling so i moved a signalbox. The police escort were keen to get away to deal with Eunice incidents.

  12. Anyone got a spare HABD? I’m currently trying to improve some Triang Ore wagons. Found some second hand wheels. Some had been given conducting paint to make the axle live for pickups. No problem. Only use one in each metal frame wagon to avoid any problems. Didn’t take metal couplings into account. Real flames. Melted insulation in a wheel set. Doh. Who says model railways aren’t exciting?

  13. A whole evening spent making a second hand Hornby A4 work. My paws are definitely not meant for handling some of those parts.

  14. Yesterday i bemoaned the lack of ballast under my feet. Thank you lineside flailing contractor. A cable to joint a bit into now.

  15. The Cat is back! Well done to all those who helped in getting it back to Duxford.

  16. I must have spent an hour on the net looking for ETS jumpers for the ends of my Mk1 Bullion Van. Is it i can't see the wood for the trees or does no one make them?

  17. OO gauge inside. G gauge and a full size signalling simulation outside and I have to stay at home. I may cope. 

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