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Status Updates posted by class25

  1. 4mm 80's micro l/o complete as much as they ever are, single track, about to receive 30 years worth of rolling stock, operating boredom just around the corner!!!!

  2. just finished a bit of 7mm track relaying in the garden, what a beautiful day, now cracking on with a flask wagon

  3. dithering about what track plan to use!!!

  4. planning on lengthening fiddle yards on prospective layout to 4 feet each!

  5. blackbird song and lighter evenings, drawing me back to the 7mm in garden, must finish 4mm in house first AND AT LEAST FINISH SOMETHING!!!

  6. fell asleep at the camera club as soon as the lights went out...again. Should have stayed home and modelled.

  7. Tonight it's ironing or VCA sides...mmm, will decide over glass of wine.

    1. muddy water

      muddy water

      Are they the 'iron on' transfer side type? :-)

    2. Welly


      Pour yourself another glass and you be able to do neither!

  8. completing Whale and VCA tonight, Happy New Year to all forum members

  9. Is aiming to crack on with his vca overlays this evening.

  10. Off to Mother in laws; who cares!!At Thornbury swap meet tomorrow for late Xmas presies for self. Hurraahhhh!!!!!

  11. Happy Xmas all. Looking forward to a wagon load of books about wagons and small layouts!!

  12. Final Xmas shop done, VCA etched sides arrived (cheers to Scottish Modeller) wagon books coming for Xmas. Bring it on!!

  13. wishing snow had come during term time :( still, looking forward to time off and more baseboard action

    1. Wherry Lines

      Wherry Lines

      Same here. Term finished today. Got our first really heavy snow this evening. Typical.

  14. Snow?What snow??!

  15. BR blue 4mm esp wagons, ridiculously small layouts preferred, building one plus o/g stock extravaganza now having been evicted from loft by kids. Plus 7mm in garden, summer modelling, GWR, currently track laying around curve in shed to come to enable running along 2 sides of garden.

  16. Minus something brass monkeyish outside, pleased to realise can use wife's dining table to cut plywood sheet inside in the warm!!!

  17. back at modelling now, dad's GWR brown vans done, now my Whale facing completion, sound the church bells!!

  18. is numbering some long wheel base brown GWR stock for his dad's birthday, only been in my works line for a year now!

  19. hoping for snow to give time to build some boards and number his dad's vans

  20. have patched shed roof and can recommence curve laying. Also can get n with the plywood boards for the one upstairs!!

  21. wife's birthday weekend, fences to repair and hedges to cut, but more importantly 2 layouts to work on!!Oh, the misery!!

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