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Mind the gap

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Posts posted by Mind the gap

  1. Hi all, 


    i am thinking of starting a new layout and looking online it looks like nearly every situation has been covered previously, snow scenes, harbours, blue diesel, the list goes on. But has anyone modelled a heritage line ?? Having recently driven a class 52 on the Severn Valley, I did think of doing Kidderminster with the engine shed


    just wondering


  2. Hi there


    I am in a bit of quandary and am looking for some advice. Many many years ago I bought a Heljan class 52 D1000 with olivias trains sound in desert sand, i don’t know why i bought it, i don’t particular like it and would rather have a blue one.


    My question is, should I sell it and buy a blue one, it is damaged in places, a couple of the guards at the bottom are broken and half a headcode is missing. Or, do I strip the paint off and repaint it blue, which i haven’t done before but i do have an airbrush and i did used to paint slot cars.


    I have a feeling the desert sand ones are quite rare and sought after ?? Just something i heard a few years ago


    many thanks for your time


  3. I wonder if you can help me. I am restoring a 40 year old EM gauge layout and it has 2 x double slip sets of points, one on this board and one on another  I haven't started on yet. It has 4 point motors to control the switch blades, I have used 4 DCC Concepts digital point motors with the bar facing each other, 2 at each end.
    I will attach a picture, the point motors on the left can be switched at any time with no problems, the two on the right have to be switched in a particular order or they stall half way through the throw and starts to draw 3.3 amp as opposed the usual 0.4 amp.
    I have to pull the blades in away from each other and set the point back on my nce powercab to get the point back and the draw back down again.
    At this moment, i don’t know if there is a problem with the point work that is causing this fault or it is something else.

    I can drive my loco across the point top to top or bottom to bottom, I can’t as yet go straight across, top to bottom or bottom to top. Partly because of the short or getting the switch blades in the right place or no power at the rails as I only have 1 wire from the v in the point to one point motor. So do I need a gizmo to allow both point motors to control the power in the V ??


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