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Posts posted by SpenRail

  1. Thanks. The shop where I bought the loco are being incredibly good at looking at the issue, even replying on a Sunday. Nonetheless, I recall the issue with Dapol having a similar issue. It may be a case of snipping the pin, but I won’t do that until I get the shops technical response tomorrow. Either way, I’m sure it will get sorted. I’ll post the outcome/ solution in case others have a similar experience.

  2. Hi


    I recently purchased a 00 Class 16. Yesterday I decided to fit a decoder, but on removing the body, I noted a couple of issues. The first being that there seems to be 22 pins meaning my Zimo and Zen 21 pin decoders won’t fit. The other problem is the two small wiring harnesses were already disconnected; could anyone advise me as to which of the socket they go into. I wondered if anyone had come across anything like this before on a brand new model.


    Thanks for any advice.



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