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Regional Boy

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Posts posted by Regional Boy

  1. On 31/07/2019 at 12:53, Accurascale Fran said:


    Hi Colin,


    If you do we'd love to see video of them with triple 37s!


    The Ravenscraig ones were the grey and orange, and the Llanwern ones were the blue and orange. Hope this helps!





    My lasting memory of these is as a 7/8 year  visiting my Nan, mid to late 70’s,  being taken by my long suffering dad to Pencoed Level crossing to watch the trains go by. The anticipation and excitement as the signalman in the box spun the huge wheel to close the gates. It was the ‘new’ HSTs I secretly wanted to see but the sheer exhilaration as one of these monster trains stormed past was second to none. The noise, smell & vibration was incredible. 

    What I recall is, 3 beautifully filthy blue 37s and a rake of wagons - so dirty the livery was indistinguishable. 

    Ive ordered packs of the blue and orange but it’s that gloriously dirty train  I’d like to recreate.

    Cameras back then were an unaffordable luxury, so sadly I’ve no images., If by some miracle anyone can point to a site or post any from that era it would be amazing.


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  2. Wow, amazing the information a simple question can generate. Ian J that whole process seems so complicated and convoluted, surely as was previously suggested simply attaching a loco at the other end and hauling the train out the way would be simpler, even as far as Corfe or Norden, perhaps there simply isn’t a double track stretch long enough to stable a train that length and still conduct normal operations.

    I believe there’s a charter train running to Swanage in the not to distant future, will have to see if can get down and observe.


    EddieK, I grew up in North Wales and indeed spent several happy summers as a steward on the trains based out of Chester dragging my trolley through anything and everything that ran from Crewe and Manchester up to Holyhead 142s to 37 hauled club trains, even occasionally hitching a lift on the Virgin hauled 47s or or steam specials that ran. That coupled with attending college in Wrexham adjacent to the station there has my prime interest firmly in the Regional Railways era and the freight that ran through Wrexham late 80s mid 90s

    However the last 15 yrs or so I’ve lived down on the south coast so a semi regular visitor to Swanage and equally enjoy the sight of a stream engine in action.

    I’m hoping that I’m finally approaching a point where I’ll have the space time and funds to start the layout I’ve always wanted. It will be predominantly based on the time frame above but I want the excuse to run steam too and Swanage with its terminus and sheds and mainline connection gives all sort of scope. So it will be the heritage line on what hopefully be a larger layout. There is obviously a disconnect between 1990s diesels and Swanage as it is now but I’m a firm believer in Rule 1

    The grand plan is still some time off but I’m aiming to start on my version of Swanage as Im hoping I can build it as a stand alone layout but on a base that can be accommodated in to a larger layout later on.

    I’ve never tried to recreate any particular location/prototype before, my skills aren’t great but I’m going to try to get it as realistic as I can.

    I’m not striving for perfection, Enjoyment of construction and operation is what it’s all about.


    So thanks for the info already posted, will gratefully appreciate any further nuggets regarding anything Swanage. (Or indeed Wrexham 88-93ish)



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  3. Again an interesting one to model, how do they get the locos to the London end, where can they stable a train of that length so it doesn’t interfere with their normal operations?

    Charters to Swanage aren’t uncommon so I guess there must be procedures in place.

  4. Thanks guzzler17,

    more top info. All helps.

    I’ve seen the trains in platform 2 extend beyond the platform end, but agreeing with your 66/73 observation I don’t think I’ve ever seen a train beyond the signal on platform 1.

    Not sure what happens with main line charters though, I guess there’s special regulations for those.

    Lots of scope for interesting movements on a model.


  5. Hi Paul thanks for quick reply,

    I’ve seen both Tornado and various Merchant Navy, West Country locos run round their trains in Swanage station,

    I have to say I’ve seen class 66s take trains into Swanage but never seen them run round, usually at the galas another loco takes the train out releasing the inbound loco.

    Is there room in front of the cross over (appologies if terminology not correct) for a 66 to pull forward and then run round?

    I’m trying to gauge how much track there is in front of the points as a starting point to the track layout.



  6. Appologies in advance for the first of what may be many questions relating to the Swanage railway.

    Is there anyone out there who could tell me what the largest/ longest loco is that can run round at Swanage Station.

    I’ve seen Eddystone do it and Tornado and I’ve be scouring the internet for photos, but be grateful for any 1st hand knowledge or eyewitness accounts of locos, steam or diesel that they’ve seen there.

    I’m contemplating using Swanage as a location for part of a layout and within my limited talents would like to try and keep it reasonably accurate to the real thing.

    I’m generally a modern image modeller and this will be part of a modern image layout, but this will give me the excuse to display my small collection of Steam locos several of which live at Swanage in the Heritage Railway scenario.

    Many thanks in advance.

  7. Hi John, thanks, yeh I tried that, I guessing it's computer issue rather than anything else as I tried on my iPad and bingo up popped the ECoS page. Unfortunately of course you can't download these files on to the iPad. I'm guessing some setting on the laptop need changing but as I am totally computer illiterate I don't know where to start .

    Thanks for trying



  8. I'm trying to update my father in laws ECoS to the latest firmware so it will talk to the mobile controller.

    I've watched the video followed all the instructions correctly I think, but I'm getting stuck at the same point every time. When I type the IP address in to the web browser I just get a page of search results saying things like IP address is part of a private network etc... it does not bring up the ECoS screen on to the laptop as in the video. What am I doing wrong? Any help gratefully received.



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