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Status Updates posted by Eastwood

  1. Hi everyone I was looking at a previous request from a member asking for help in finding the instructions for a Mallard models GWR steam railmotor. I too have acquired a set of brass etchings for one also without instructions and recently Brian, a fellow member of Merseyside M.R.S. has offered to mentor me in soldering the kit. Because of this it would be handy to get a set of the instructions if anyone has one they could copy and send to me. I would be immensly grateful if anyone could help me. I find it strange that so many people have kits like these but no instructions. are they made

    1. mike morley

      mike morley

      A long-standing member of a club I used to belong to died and, as often seems to happen in such circumstances, his widow gave all his modelling stuff to the club.  Amongst it was a flat box that had once held photographic paper but was now a depository for thick brown envelopes containing the etches of a dozen+ coach kits.  Another, not much bigger box contained small packets containing the castings to go with the coaches.  Presumably there was a file or an envelope somewhere containing all the instructions, but we never did find that.

      We wondered if he stored them like that so it was less obvious to his wife just how many kits he'd got.

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