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Blog Entries posted by GRUNFOS

    Hi all and welcome to my blog. This should be the tale of my first start to finish layout it will be based on the diesel servicing shed at Wigan Springs Branch.The model will represent the shed on the right of the photo it won't be 100% but adapted to fit area available.Had a productive bank holiday weekend, boards built buildings started and first track layed.

    Track is peco code 100. I am using a PH Designs sleeper spacing jig to give a better appearence it is a brilliantly simple piece of kit that improves looks no end.

    More to follow.
    Had a great day at DEMU yesterday, came away with lots of goodies and inspiration.Dapols 4mil catenary masts look great eased my problems no end.Bachmanns 105 DMU is fantastic. Well done all.Photos are in answer to previos post.

    This is the pump house at Wigan, because tank combinations i have used my pump house is at the end of the bund wall.
    Quick cooat of matt varnish, job done. Just as I remember them

    My jacks will be at the back of the center road holding a converted Hornby 25 in the air.

    New toy outside the traction inspectors office, not sure what its doing so far south though.
    Excuse the large pauses between entries but work seems to have taken over this summer [!]. Due to imminent work relocation Wiganish will now go to sleep for a couple of months whilst move etc happens. I thought by now all track would be layed and scenics would be under way, not so. I have finalised track plan and 50% is layed, shed entries and fuel/stabling sidings to do. The shed building and amenities block are done so are fuelling and storage structures. Hopefully the shed will begin to be fitted internally as this is the only part not packed. Anyway pictures of final track plan and last photo shoot before move. Does anyone know how I could obtain suitable overhead line equipment vehicles to replace the parcel vans as a backscene as they appear in all the Wigan photos of my time period? This also means my Washford Heath gallery will not have many more new entries but I have just saved 1500 images so if there is a loco you need a photo of I may have it so just ask.....and now as they say its goodnight from me!
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