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Posts posted by froobyone

  1. Hi all.

    Well, I tested a point motor with my cranks and it threw the blade perfectly. I still had the problem of how to surface mount the motors without mounting plates. In the end I took out my callipers took some measurements and laser cut my own. The fact that were correct first time beggars belief. So I fitted three point motors and associated rodding.

    I then had the small problem of having nowhere for the push switches to go, so I laser cut an enclosure and a track diagram. Since moving to TrackMaster for DCC control, I had planned to use Hornby accessory decoders for point control. I've just won the first one on eBay, so for a while it'll be a mix of DCC points and switches. At least until I have four decoders. 

    Considering how long I've been putting this task off, I'm extremely relieved at how well it's all gone. *smash-cut to the layout on fire*

    One amusing thing was the laser joining the r and n or Woodburn to spell something that, knowing me, will now become the de facto name for the layout...






    Have a great weekend.


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  2. Just now, TT100 Diesels said:

    Hi Daniel,


    Just a thought, if the point motor (solenoid) operating pin is too short for under baseboard mounting, why not simply extend the pin by using small diameter brass tube as a sheath then extend the pin by adding a length of appropriate diameter pin to make up the shortfall ?


    Would save a lot of work, even though I am very impressed with your operational point rodding proof of concept.







    I did initially consider extending, but when I priced up the bits I needed, it was out of the budget at the time. Good suggestion though. Thank you.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hi all,

    Progress on the layout has slowed a little this week while I upgraded my Mk3s to spring pickups and fitted the lights to the latest coach. All went well. I also gave the wheels a quick clean while it was convenient.

    I did also add some extra underbrush towards the bridge, but the focus of today was dealing with an issue left to me by me in the past. At the time I'd have flippantly said "That's future-me problems" and future-me is now and he isn't happy about it.

    That problem is the one of motorised points. I had always planned on using point motors and avid viewers may remember, I managed to get a job-lot of them. All of them with frog switchers. However, every single one of them had pins than were about 3mm too short to be used with my baseboard. Fiddlesticks. Because I couldn't MacGyver my way around that, my build progress ground to a halt. Whilst I'm aware there are larger pins available, at the time I couldn't afford to buy them. So rather than lose momentum, I figured I could just add them later. I forward planned enough to make the sections with the points removable and have locating pins to ensure correct alignment. However, the track that leads to the next board isn't split at the join. At the time I wasn't in the best of health and couldn't physically get under the boards to do the wiring needed for four tracks x2. It would have been yet another blocker. 

    So now I'm faced with motorising the points using above board motors. It will be no bother hiding them from view, but the issue is having points in the middle of tracks and access thereof.

    So today I mocked up a proof of concept for some (overscale) point rodding. Whist there is a lot of mechanical drag, it seems to work very well. This is so MacGyver that the shafts for the bell cranks are actually track pins! Where there's a will..





    I'm wondering if I should make all the components again out of 1mm brass sheet. I think it would reduce the mechanical resistance, but I still don't really know if a point motor can throw much more than just a basic point blade. I also don't know if I have the artificing chops to be able to make something that small. Tomorrow I intend to test a point motor. If it does turn out to be weak-as, then I may go down the servo route, but that would make controlling everything from RailMaster a problem. We shall see.

    Pics to show my working out.

    Until next time or I electrocute myself.



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  4. 1 hour ago, Rugd1022 said:


    I love that - what make / scale is it please...?


    Brings back the memories of going to see 'Star Wars' in Leicester Square in December '77, then again in Coventry in January '78! The week before seeing in Leicester Square a few clips were shown on 'Tomorrow's World' and it looked magical on screen.


    It's 1:43 scale. Which equates to about three foot across.

    The kit is by Deagostini, but now Fanhome are the distributors. 


    It's essentially the same model as the Master Replicas one, but the Master Replicas model will set you back £5000. Whilst this one wasn't cheap, it's cheaper than £5000. :)

    Well worth the time and money if you're a fan.



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  5. Hi all.

    Today I've ironed out the teething problems with the e-link and RailMaster and now everything is nominal. It's a great deal nicer to operate with a mouse and large screen than a phone screen. 

    Once that was out of the way, I finished off the grass/weeds area between the station and the sidings. Added some flowers and such to add a little colour. Still needs a good vacuum once everything is dry, but I like the look of it. 20240604_145136.jpg.262ae3c77f7378ea4d3743025a566bf2.jpg








    I still haven't added the lights and the pickup upgrades to my Mk3s yet. The weather hasn't been super and it's been a little chilly in the shed for steady hands.

    In the olden days, June used to be summer...

    The weather-guesser says it might be sunny tomorrow. If it is, I might get them done.

    Until next time.



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  6. Hi all.

    After an enjoyable visit to the Hull Model Railway show and subsequently going straight on Amazon and buying a e-link and RailMaster, today has been one filed with issues.

    At first I couldn't get it to authorise. Installing a later version fixed that issue, but not before trying 200 different things first.

    Then the e-link wouldn't connect to my laptop. It would thrown up the unrecognised device error which would then prevent me from plugging it in another port. Lots of restarted and robust language later and it connected. 

    Then I had to go through the process of adding the rolling stock and setting the functions for the HM7000. That was a learning curve for sure.

    So after at least three hours of messing, I finally had everything working. The 50 had completed a circuit and I sent the HST on a run. One of my turnouts wasn't set correctly which caused a derail and short and that sent me into the e-link wouldn't connect rabbit hole again. The only way I found to fix it was to change the com port. 


    By this evening I had everything working nicely, but then inexplicably, my 50 stopped responding to commands. I could turn lights on and off and sound functions, but it wouldn't stop, change direction or move. I've decided to give it a break and try again tomorrow. 

    I did finally have my HST set up as a consist though, so it's been worth it.



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  7. 17 minutes ago, rob D2 said:

    Although I’m committed to OO, that class 50 does look very nice . Except the coupling which looks like a lobster claw - is it in an NEM pocket for easy discarding ?


    Yes. I've got Hunt magnetics on mine.


    • Like 2
  8. I attended the show today and was impressed with the variety of layouts present. I meant to take more photographs, but I ended up talking to the layout owners and kept forgetting. I had a really good chat with the builders of the n gauge layout featured in the pictures. It was a pretty impressive computer controlled setup and I'm going to be honest, seeing that layout made me wonder what I could have done if I'd gone that way instead of TT:120. No regrets though.

    Once thing that was really strange was all the OO layouts looked like O gauge because I'm so used to everything being smaller now. 

    There were a number of stalls there selling the usual stuff. Nothing in TT though. Probably a good thing on reflection. I did buy some tiny flowers for my grass areas and a new sponge for my soldering iron.

    Once thing that did come out of it, was having a chat with the Goathland layout builders about their Rail Master setup. It was compelling enough for me to come home and buy it. That means I'll finally have my HST power cars working together.

    All in all it was a nice day out with the not-wife.











  9. 4 minutes ago, polybear said:

    Harry the Honda Lives!!  😁


    Three hours later and I thought I'd sort the shed a little and make some room on the workbench (not easy....) just in case I decided to fight with a bank of CV Carbs tomorrow.  Then I decided to see if Harry would start, not expecting it to....






    All I can guess is there was some poo in Carbs 3 & 4 that has either been shifted or dissolved by the fuel - it seems to idle happily and rev cleanly too.


    A Happy Bear (so far....)

    Of course it could all got to ratsh1t over the next few days......


    Beautiful example.

    One of my pals had one when I had my RD350LC in the late 90s. It meant we both chucked out a fair amount of blue smoke when we opened them up! 


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  10. Hi all,

    50 040 arrived today and I'm very pleased with her. I did have a small issue of derailing on one track join in the rural section. I tried a bunch of things to rectify it, which I won't go into because none of them worked. Instead I added a checkrail on the offending curve and all is well.

    I installed the decoder very easily, but did manage to snap one of the jumper heads off despite being really careful. It's at the snowplough ended so not really visible. Although I'm not sure if I'll keep the ploughs on. I also managed to ping into oblivion several air pipes. I like to think there's a place in the universe where lost buffer beam accessories all gather, just like ballpoint pens do.

    Anyway, I gave up after one and will probably have to take that one off anyway to remove the snowploughs.

    I won't do a review of the 50 as I don't think I'm qualified enough to be able. However, I think it looks great. Drives great. Sounds great once you set the volume down. Lighting options are wide and varied. I especially like being able to turn off rear lights when attached to coaches. As usual, all the lights are too bright. I'll have a play with the CVs to see if I can't take some of the fire out of them.




    This will be my last traction purchase for a good while. The next locomotive on my radar is the Class 31. As much as I like 37s, I will probably skip it and wait.

    The HST also acquired another 2nd class coach and awaits the fitting of lighting. The rest of the HST consist also requires the pickups to be upgraded to pickup-springs. Hopefully get that done tomorrow if the weather brightens up. I don't fancy sitting in a cold shed.


    I've got some longer static grass arriving on Saturday which will allow me to finish off the gap between the main lines.

    I'll be heading to the Hull Model Railway Show on Sunday for some inspiration and maybe a cheeky bag of flock. See you there if you're going. You'll recognise me, because I look like a Froobyone. :P



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  11. 7 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

    I’ve no idea why the photograph in my previous post came out inverted and try as I might I can’t change it. Turdycurses as the Bear would say.



    I have the issue sometimes. The trick is to edit the photo by cropping it slightly and saving it as a new version. I often take photos with the phone camera "upside down" and the meta data keeps it upside down until I rotate, edit and save.

    Hope this helps


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  12. Hi all. 

    Not much modelling to report this week. I did have the granddaughters over at the weekend and they certainly enjoyed driving the trains. We then made twisted wire trees and clad them in DAS clay. I won't share picture of their trees, because I love my granddaughters...

    In other news I've also ordered my Class 50 and Next18 TSX chip and spent some of my Hornby points on another BG Mk3. Three more to go.

    Before I post this, I will proof-read it a number of times. This in no way guarantees it will be free of spelling mistakes, because I essentially turn dyslexic when I am tasked with checking words. 

    A case-in-point is the High Speed Train clock I built for myself last year. Throughout the entire process I was extra extra vigilant, but I'd still typed a 4 instead of a 2 and yes, I didn't notice until the thing was fully put together. FFS!

    I just had to change vigilant from vaginalent...

    Until next time.


    (I just had to change vigilant from vaginalent...)


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  13. 4 minutes ago, Porfuera said:


    What is Rail Blue - I'm not familiar with that term, is that pre-TOPS?


    If so then I believe that the current releases are refurbished versions (one of them was planned to be a GBRf livery in Era 11, although that is now delayed) so maybe that livery wouldn't apply to these versions?

    This was my initial thought also, but further investigation revealed that some of the refurbished ones were also outshopped in Corporate Blue livery, albeit only about six out of the fifty.



    • Thanks 1
  14. 20 minutes ago, rob D2 said:

    I’d love an HST, and don’t have space in OO.

    what are the running qualities of that one like ?

    On DCC with the factory fitted TXS it runs really well on my rails. I have had the occasional drop-out but only after I've been adding weathering to parts of track and there was some overspray. Neither my power car or dummy car have stay-alives fitted. She will crawl along very smoothly when required and she sounds magnificent, although I did turn the volumes down quite far. Another nice feature is the automatic cooling fan noise which kicks in if it stays idle for too long. It's a highly recommended model and will be a firm favourite of mine for years to come. I suppose that's a given though, seeing as my whole layout is being built for HSTs.

    I hope you jump in and get one. Just don't buy up all the coaches until I've got my last four. :P



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  15. More lights and electricals fitted to two more coaches today. I tried a different approach to the placement of the gubbins and it worked out much better.



    I used the space in the underframe cowling on each side of the weight. Making sure to insulate the large piece of metal mere millimetres from sparky things. The pic above shows the internals of the TRUB.



    One thing that is apparent, is the difference in colour between the 1st class and 2nd class coaches. There's more orange in the 1st class than getting a slap from Tango man! Even though I'll regret it, I'm going to try and paint the internals with black arms rests and white corridor walls. It may calm it down a little.



    Last pic doesn't even show the coaches, but I liked it. That's the lighting jobs out of the way until I get the rest of the coaches. Tomorrow I'll try and find something else to do instead of getting on with designing the station...

    Until next time.


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  16. 3 hours ago, Porfuera said:


    Just a thought... the guy from This Way Works put the brass pickup under the axles so that it was held in place by the 'spring' of the curved brass plus the wires which go through the bogie pivot - no blue tack required, although I don't remember if he used glue as well...


    Here's a screen snip from the video and a link - this is also from a TT:120 Mk3 so it should be the same:





    I've decided to use DCC concepts spring pickups as that type seems to work well on my Pullmans. It may be a while before I get any though, so I'll give the above placement a try. Thank you.



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  17. Hi all,

    Small electrical components arrived today and I've re-lit the first coach and added lighting to a second one. They now have full wave rectifiers and two capacitors each. The capacitors fit quite nicely in the toilets. Please use the station toilets before boarding.



    The one thing I did lack, was thin wiring. Getting it all tucked away with the thicker gauge wire was a challenge.

    The placement of the brass pickups is less than ideal. I will have a think about a better system. What looks like blutack is in fact a NASA developed special substance, only available to a select few. It works just like blutack. :D




    It's worth mentioning that I know next to naff all about electronics. Not because I'm not interested in the subject, but being colour-blind has always made me very nervous. As a result, I've stayed away from anything more technical than plugs and LED lights. I needn't have been worried. I hardly electrocuted myself at all.

    What I do really really suck at though is soldering. Took me an hour to do each coach. Maybe when I've reached the last one, I'll be doing it in 55 minutes.



    Two down, six to go.



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  18. 32 minutes ago, Damo666 said:

    The 'Return to Home' feature is a life-saver (not literally).


    My wife got me a drone for Christmas a few years ago, think it was about £200.


    Last year I sent it up over the Billy Wynt and couldn’t figure out which way it was facing. So moving 'forward' could have been any direction, and the wind was a little faster than at garden level. Wanting to bring it back, it was impossible to see whether the tiny dot was coming closer to me against the wind, or moving further away at speed.


    Then I nearly lost sight of it (Definitely DIDN'T, so I was 100% within the CAA rules). Grey drone against a grey sky had it’s challenges, but I NEVER lost sight of the drone.


    I pressed the emergency button, aka, HOME and a few moments later I could hear the reassuring whine of the drone as it hovered over the garden at about 50’ and slowly landed beside a bemused dog.


    And just to make sure I’ve made the point, I NEVER lost sight of the drone for one moment!

    It might be worth checking if your drone can operate in headless mode. Headless mode ignores the orientation of the drone and instead works from the position of the operator. Whichever way it is facing, pulling the stick towards you will bring the drone back. Very useful at the range of visibility.


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  19. 17 hours ago, rob D2 said:

    Nice layout.

    really shows the potential of the gauge 

    Thanks Rob.

    Today I finished off the track weathering and then got sucked into a side quest. 

    I wanted to see if I could light one of my Mk3s. More as a proof of concept and to see if I could pull it off with what I had lying around. Luckily I had lying around some LED strip. I cut it to size, wrapped some wire around the four axles, added a pinch of resistor and voila.



    Not shown in the above photo is the thin styrene piece that covers the lights and acts as a diffuser. It just presses onto the blue tack.



    Now I've proved to myself I can do it, I will source the bits needed to do it properly and do the rest of the coaches. Namely rectifiers, capacitors and brass foil for better pickups. I'll also dim the lights a bit as everyone would be getting a free tan on the way to Rotherham...




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  20. 11 minutes ago, nightstar.train said:

    Has anyone fitted the Hornby HM7000TXS to a Bachmann 08? I'm looking to do this, I have an 8 pin chip and a DCC ready 08. But the chip is very large for the space. So advice sought from any who have already done it, with photos if possible. 

    This might be some use.


    I've fitted an 8 pin HM7000 TXS chip in a TT:120 08. I had to grind away some of the insides. But it did go in.

    Good luck


  21. Hi all,

    This week I finally ballasted and painted the platform roads. Which was as dull as you can imagine. I think I'll give it another tickle before it's finished. The platforms that I've been using for spacing will eventually be replaced with the final versions, along with associated holes for lighting, canopy supports etc.









    Next job I can't put off, is the design and construction of the station and platform canopies. This will probably be the most difficult part of the whole build. The dimensions are going to have to be spot-on as part of the main building drops down to the lower level entrance. Now I need to look at 2.5 million stations to get some inspiration...

    Until next time.



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  22. Hmmm. After a number of fiddly minutes putting together some laser cut fencing I made, I'm not sure I'm loving the mesh size on the fence. :-/ I can't find anything smaller. Although there are tighter square meshes, they feel a bit too modern. I'll have to have a think about it.




    I did t-titify my telephone poles, although they were mostly without wires during my modelled era, not completely though and up near Sheffield/Rotherham there were still some wires up. So I may string them, I may not.


    Not that anyone will see the wires, partly because they are so small and mostly because no one will come to see it in the first place.

    Didn't have much modelling mojo today. Awoke to some sobering news about an old school friend. Another taken too soon. I'll raise a glass of single malt to him tonight and back to business tomorrow.



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  23. 5 minutes ago, TT100 Diesels said:

    Hi Dan,


    It is really great to see you progressing the layout build in leaps and bounds. That girder bridge will surely look fantastic when its all scenically blended in. Probably be a signature feature of the layout.


    Also, loving the HST, especially mixed liveries of the blue grey to IC Exec transition period. Rarely see that modelled, nice one.


    All the best


    TT100 Diesels

    Thank you. :) 

    I liked the Mk2s when they were mixed together as well. Once I've obtained the two HST rakes, I will run them as complete sets and mixed sets, just for variety. 

    My chosen era covers 82-86, mostly because that's when I was a teenager and also because there were some cracking bands around. That fits nicely with the decay and sectorisation. I may have a cheeky Railfreight Red Stripe 31 on there one day.

    Thanks again




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