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Boris last won the day on November 29 2010

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  1. Can I just add to the earlier comments that there are 2 sides to every story, most of the German troops were not Nazis, just normal young men (and boys) doing what they had been ordered to do the same as our troops. They need to be remembered as well.

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    2. acko22


      The answer to your question 3 Link is yes they do, however they are far more understated than ours.

      There is still not sure how to put it "war guilt" over the wars and in some cases it is more not glorified but there is more of a lime light on our side as we won both wars.

      The old cliche is right: All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing... true but sadly in the case of Hitler it's only takes a clever man to con a desperate man!

    3. bike2steam


      Sorry but 'guilty by association', I don't buy the 'I was doing my job' excuse, it was used by a Nazi in his defence at Nuremberg.

    4. steveb860


      I don't buy it either. Funny how they only surrendered when their ammo ran out, and that includes many of the Russians manning the defences on Dday.

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