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Status Replies posted by Spodgrim

  1. Fish Thursday!!!


    Fish'n'chips'n'mushy peas!!!




    1. Spodgrim


      "Fish'n'chips'n'mushy peas" it's the new "S*x, and Dr*gs, and Rock and Roll"

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Just build a 12" to the foot garden shed kit. It was rubbish! Met-Pak didn't work, Solder was useless and burnt it. In the end we had to use screws and nails!

    1. Spodgrim


      I think if it had been a model it would have been called a "scratchbuilder's aid". We even had to drill the pre drilled holes for the screws!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Given I have unfinished locos in 2mm, 3mm and 4mm why do I keep looking at the Connoisseur Models starter kit?

  4. took a plan from RM - flipped it to fit the space - added a run-round - and then realised it was now exactly the same as "The Bay", can I get away with it? Hmmm

    1. Spodgrim


      Oh I know, and it's for my own enjoyment. RM August 1997 pg 369. Always likes bays from my time as a teenager travelling from Basingstoke to Reading in the 1970's, and always with a parcel van on the spare road.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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