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Posts posted by tuppenced

  1. To David Smith,


    After a long delay, Accucraft have just delivered their live-steam Victory in 3/8" Scale.

    They run very nicely out-of-the-box, and while they are a 'starter' locomotive (meaning not ever so detailed) the brass carcass is very reasonable for a cheap live-steamer. They've sensibly made the cab suit the six 'middle' locomotives of the ten - KS 3068 to 3073 - but I hate its squashed look:




       and am having remodelling thoughts like yours.


    The most straightforward option is to lift the roof back to the height of the first two engines KS 3066 & 3067, the latter being East Kent No.4.

         I could also follow your example and represent KS 3074 at Lambton, of which I attach a couple of RCTS thumbnails - one can buy bigger, unwatermarked copies from their website.






    But, being awkward, what I'd really like to do is model KS 3075 during it's stay with United Steel & Coal under the nameplate ROTHER VALE No 8. Like KS 3074, it is said to have started life with a 'wrap-over' cab.


    Do you - does anyone - have the slightest idea what the original 'wrap-over' cabs on KS 3074/5 have looked like, please?

         Have any photos survived, from ROD, from United Steel, or from Orgreave? (I've not found any online.) 

         Or is there a similar contemporary KS that I could imitate?

         Might this similar engine help, also built in Stoke at about the same time, but by the Knotty:




    (It's a right nutcase of a shunter: rebuilt with four cylinders, hence the outside Walshaerts.)


    Thanks, David 1/2d

  2. Victory class KS3068/17 went to Manchester Collieries and was named 'Francis'.  It was based at Walkden and there are several pages, including photos of it in 'Locomotives of the Central Lancashire Coalfield'. Be aware that between 1964 and 1966 it was fitted with a Giesl ejector and scrapped in 1968. Unlike many of the Austerities (which were maroon latterly) I think Francis remained in black but lined out with single broad yellow line. See https://books.google.com/books?id=awzXAwAAQBAJ&pg=PP17&lpg=PP17&dq=NCB+Walkden+loco+Francis&source




    Here's Francis in red with Giesl

    David 1/2d


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  3. how remarkably convenient.  I'm sure it will be very happy in its new home :)

    Simon D,


    Don't be taken in by Stephen's tea-stained artwork!

    No. 19 (like No.18) had a wrap-over cab roof distinct from the Minerva offering.


    I'd appreciate sight of a photo if anyone has one, please.

    Photos of No.18 tend to be as modified at Lambton :-(


    David 1/2d

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