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Posts posted by Tractor37516

  1. I have had problems with my early series 03 which was a Replica Railways one, the motor is very whiney and weak, just through excessive use by the previous owner. I intended to put a Bachmann old type 04 motor and chassis arrangement in to replace it, but the 04 I bought promptly decided to have a fairly serious electrical failure and was useless. So at the moment its in the queue for chassis number 3.

  2. First of all can i thank Dave for opening this option to us.


    Id agree with the calls for 009 British Outline, maybe a Quarry Hunslet or a WD Baldwin.

    Would also agree to PEP series EMU's, preferably 313's.

    Decent tooling affordable HAA's

    Maybe 'Stingray' style YGA.

    Steel Mesh Bodied OBA's.

  3. Thanks everyone for replies so far, problem sorted, was not the 14 but a faulty controller, tried one of my gaugemasters on it and works great now, just got to sort out the excessive side play on the jackshaft that makes a rather loud clanking when under load, but currently sorting that so all good. ;)

  4. Well mine arrived all fine and good yesterday. All detail is there as well, which was handy. Cab was very tight on the body though, ended up taking some of the glazing out in the process but it just came off in the end. The screws to keep the bonnet on were done up wey too tight though, still havent got no.2 end off yet. Ride is still quite rough at low speed so i shall run it more tonight once i have fitted the headcode panes. Im sure other would agree with me that the headcode light is wey too bright. Overall a very attractive model that is sadly let down by a poor motor package.

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