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Status Replies posted by steverabone

  1. Good morning


    I tend to look at 7mm stuff on R M Web.  But yesterday, found your item on card coaches.


    I work with wagons as a full time job, luckily it is also my hobby...


    Recently I have been drawn to card for a couple of reasons:


    Nostalgia - I made some ERG card kits years ago and got reasonable results.


    Economy - Using what would otherwise be thrown away. This also scores on the 'eco' side.


    I note that you created your roof with 2 layers of paper with epoxy resin.  Was it difficult to spread (I think that slight warming helps).  How did that compare with card laminated with PVA.  My recent wetted card formed and the having a second wetted layed, PVA'd on seems to have worked well.  I always apply loads of shellac when the PVA has dried.

    My timber roof was traumatic, the PVA pulls the coffee stirrers....


    Anyway, the other technique that looked interesting was the use of superglue to stiffen the card.  Can you stiffen first and then sut windows, or cut first then stiffen?


    Thanks again for the inspiration.


    Thanks and regards


    Ernie Puddick

    Watton, Norfolk

    1. steverabone


      Sorry for not replying earlier but I hadn't noticed there had been a message and nothing came into my personal email account to let me know you'd posted.


      Thanks for your interest and encouraging comments.


      I spread the epoxy onto the paper using a small electrical screwdriver blade - I've never had any difficulty spreading it reasonably evenly and haven't warmed it - I suspect that might make it harden faster which isn't what is needed as you need time to make sure everything is in place before the epoxy sets. I use Devcon 5 minute epoxy from the tubes. As I needed tight curves for the outer part of the roof so I find paper better than even thin card. My impression is that there is nowdoubt that it is harder than PVA laminated card. I then apply a fluid used for hardening rotten wood - petrifying liquid I believe it's called - which makes paper and card feel more like plastic.


      I cut out the window frames first and then dribble superglue along both the front and back surfaces. It's pretty hard to cut through card already treated with superglue. It's also possible to repair any mis-cuts where you've cut through the  thin strip of card at this stage.


      Like you I use card a lot including for some of my loco boilers - including taper boilers. Have a look at my reports about my Class 5, 8F and LNWR 0-8-0 on my website:






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